I Was Alone part 2

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*An update so soon, the world must be ending! I actually can't sleep and I'm in a good mood cause I went shopping and got a blue paladin shirt, and yuri on ice sweats so.... I also am going back and editing my previous chapters, thinking about getting a friend to help. IF ANYONE WANTS TO GIVE PROMPTS, YOU CAN MESSAGE ME*

It had been a couple days since I had last seen Lotor, and since we had that conversation. I had asked Hunk to take care of Lotors meals and stuff for a few days, why I calmed down. It wasn't working, my thoughts were as jumbled as they were a couple days ago.  I hadn't really been sleeping, not that I was before.  I spend most nights training, trying to catch up with everyone else. It keeps my mind of things like my homesickness and feeling of being inadequate. I've gotten better at shooting, I rarely miss now, and I've started training with close range weapons, specifically a chain whip. It's  looks like two daggers, the hilts  are connected by a chain, hence the name chain whip. I can use them like daggers or bladed whips. I believe I've gotten pretty good with it, not as good as I am with a gun though.

It's time the meeting about what they're going to with Lotor. I arrive late and they have already started without me. Allura glares and everyone else looks at me disappointed as a walk in and take a seat. " We should drop him off on a deserted planet, with no way off" Allura states plainly.

"Wouldn't it be better to keep him locked up here, where he can't do anything against us", Shiro counters.

No one seems to think it would be better to let him join us. He did save us during the battle when Keith decided to go all suicide bomber on us. "Maybe we-" " I don't want him on my ship another second, Shiro!" Allura interrupts, they definitely heard me I was speaking loud enough

"But if we-", " If we let him go he could get off the planet and come after us" I'm interrupted again, though its by Shiro.

" Guys I really think -" ' Not now Lance!!" Allura and Shiro snap at me in unison before they go back to arguing with each other. Pidge gives her input siding with shiro, and so does Keith. Hunk however thinks  it would be cruel to keep Lotor locked up, so he sides with Allura, as does Coran. I slip out of the room, they don't want me there and they won't listen to my opinions anyway. Hunk gives me a pitying look as a slink out of the control room, Keith watches me go to, but I can't read his expression.  I decide to go to Lotor, I kinda really needed a compliment right now. As I walk in he looks at me surprised just for an instant before he covers it with a smirk.

"Come to visit again blue eyes? Lonely?" He says smoothly

" shut up, Just guarding the cell" I replied quietly.

"Well I could use the company" he states and looks at me smiling, but his sad eyes stare into mine.

" They want to leave you on an abandoned planet" I grit out guiltily

"Shame I was hoping to spend more time with you" theres no worry in his voice, which surprises me. We talk for a while longer not really saying anything important, just menial things like what I ate today, how my training is going, and if I had finished sewing the little blue lion I was working on last time we talked. He talks about a planet he went to that had pink oceans and beaches that glew blue in the dark. He talked about species he has met on his travels and the different cultures he as experienced. talking about on planet where they took serious offence if you touched your own hair, and how he basically had flee the planet.
"We are leaving Lotor on a deserted planet," Hunks voice in my ear startles me, I quickly respond, "Alright thanks for informing me, should I tell him?"

"Yeah sure don't see the harm in it, are you ok, I mean with what happened earlier in the meeting?" Hunk is worried, he knows me too well, knows how that type of thing affects me.

" I'll be fine, you just asking helps, thanks Hunk", at least I know someone on this ship cares about me likes me for the real me.

I turn back to Lotor, " They went with the deserted planet idea" I said simply no point in sugar coating it.

" I see, what a shame, I only wish I could spend more time with you, I have come to care quite deeply for you in my time here." He states with sadness in his voice.

"I feel the same, you weren't the monster I thought you would be" the words flew from my mouth before I could even think about it. I really would miss him, and he was so nice, so caring. I started walking from the room, right as I got to the door I looked over my shoulder, " I hope I see you again". I then turned and walked out the door. Right as the door was about to close I heard a quite, " as do I blue" I paused only for a second before walking to my room. We would make it to the planet, he was to be left on, in a few hours. I didn't plan on being there for what I'm sure would be a heartfelt goodbye to Lotor as he was sent to what may end up being his death.

I took a nap and when I woke they had already dropped him off, and left the planet. I decided to head down to the training room. On my way I bumped into Hunk, " Oh buddy I was coming to see you". Hunk really was my only friend and the best one any guy could ask for. I didn't deserve him. " I was just headed to do some training, what did you need buddy" I said with a big smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. " I know you liked the dude and wanted to make sure you're ok that's all". Hunk was always good at telling how I felt about people, he could read me like a book. " I liked him, I think, I may even have like liked him" I said ashamed. "It's alright dude, I knew, he looked like a model or a movie star or something and I know how you like accents", He whispered. "Do the others know", my voice shook, showing I was scared. Normally I could hide it but with Hunk it didn't matter if I did, he'd know anyway. " No, they think you super straight". I let out a sigh of relief at his words, thank goodness. " Okay good, good, Imma go head and get in some training, I'll see you at breakfast yeah?" I shouted over my shoulder as I walked away towards the training room. Hunk waved and headed towards his room. I trained tell a little before everyone normally woke up so I could shower and get ready. I already miss Lotor, How bad is that missing you enemy, I hope he is alright.

* Yay, part two, there will be more parts I was going to do only two but it felt to rushed so there will a couple more parts to this one. See now I'm crying to, your not alone, and when the morning comes will burn away that tear, will build our city here. I kinda want to do a heather au next.*

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