I was alone part 6

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Authors note* long time no see. I'm still alive! And still working on this so yay. I have quite a bit written and this chapter was going to be longer but I decided to post this part of it now so I'd get new stuff out sooner. I have truly lost control of I was alone and know it will be AT LEAST four more chapters I'm going to post it to ao3 as its own thing rather than part of my short stories since it no longer is a short story. Any way I have a whole chapter written and then part of another one started unfortunately not in order. I do have a plan though now so yay. Life update: it's still shit what's new.*

Chapter 6

       I turn over, away from the light. Burrowing deeper into the silken covers and plush pillows. Warm and comfortable and wrong. This isn't my lion and this isn't the castle ship.  I snap up glancing frantically around.  I wince, the bright artificial light ,that seems to be coming from the entire wall, causes a sharp pain to shoot through my skull. I quickly close my eyes again. The memories of getting separated from the others, wandering empty space, my less than gracefully landing on the planet, white antlers and wide eyes come rushing to the forefront of my mind. Ok. Cool so stranded on an alien planet. At least they seem friendly enough. I mean I'm not dead or locked up. So things could be worse. Alright, time to further improve the situation. Which I  definitely know how to do and I definitely know what to do first.

Turns out waiting around in the room, pacing and trying to figure out what to do only serves to prove that I probably shouldn't be responsible for saving the universe from the evil clutches of the Galran Empire. Because other than what I've already done asking the inhabitants of the planet for help, I'v got nothing. I've changed into the clothes they left which are a bit revealing. They live in a hot as balls desert wasteland though so it does make sense. I'm down with it, very comfy and breathable. It's essentially a long skirt that goes up to the diaphragm. The top provided was like a very fancy cropped poncho, however rather than being a square or circle with a hole for the head like a poncho, it had a nice embroidered collar, that stuck to the color scheme of the place by being pastel blues and yellows in a very Mandala type pattern, the fabric was longest on the shoulders reaching down passed my elbows and then sloped up gradually to meet in the center of my chest. It reminds me of ancient Egypt. The fabric of both the skirt and top were just shy of transparent and incredibly light and soft. I've come to the conclusion that this planet is not shy about their bodies and I completely support it.

I'm saved from overwhelming frustration on what to do now by a knock. I most certainly do not scramble to the door like a newborn baby deer in my panic. The door slides open to reveal Krevicalth, which is awesome because I like the dude and I become quickly attached to things, he was the first person I met since getting separated from the team in that terrifying battle. Said separation and terrifying battle will now be called the incident because that is much less of a mouthful. I smile brightly and wave.

"Good Morning Krevicalth"

"Good Morning Lance, the queen has invited you to join her tonight for a meal. But before that your welcome explore the city, I would of course escort you, or stay here and rest"

"How about check on Blue, make sure everything is going alright with her repairs, that would be alright right?"

"Of course, we wouldn't keep you from your lion, I'm sure the mechanics will have many questions"

"Oh, I don't really know much about the lions so I don't think I'll be much help, but I'm happy to try to answer them."

"Do you mind if I ask a question?"

"You just did" I am not a man of self restraint. I could not help myself.

"Ah yes I suppose I did." He chuckles and it makes my feel warm like I've been laying in the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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