I Was Alone---part 5

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*This chapter is going to be a mess, I'm going into this without a plan. Also I'm writing this from a cabin in a forest and it is so gorgeous here, it is doing wonders for my mental health. I took an atv an hour and a half farther up into the mountain and when we stopped and looked out you could see the forest and fields for thousands of miles it was one the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Any way, story. which ended up being pretty long. I'm totally not trying to draw a certain someone that is  introduced in this chapter, I am not an artist, it is not going well, how many parts of this will there be? so many, I've lost control of the story, It was supposed to be a oneshot god dammit*

After what felt like forever wandering through space in search for anything; I've decided that this isn't working and that I need to figure out how to get the navigation working. There were stories going around at the garrison, mostly silly horror stories about officers staring out into space and going crazy. I never got it till now. Pulling my eyes away from the depths of the inky black expanse, I make my way over to a nearby panel. It does not look promising, blackened In places and sparking. One of the components has a crack running down its length, and while I may not be a mechanic I'm fairly certain this is a bad thing. This is a problem bigger than what the basic training course on ship repairs every pilot had to go through. Ok think, deep breaths.  My heart is pounding, I can't breathe, and vision is blurring. I'm having a panic attack, ok I need to slow my breathing, sit down, and calm myself. I force myself to focus, a deep breath in and out, in, hold, out, repeat. I feeling of calm and comfort washes over me what can only be described as blue consciousness bumping her head against mine. Who new a giant mechanical space lion would be the best cure for panic attacks. A glance around me tells me that there is a lot of damage and most of it looks way out of my league. If Pidge or Hunk were here they would know what to do. But they aren't so I need to figure it out on my own.

    It took a stupidly long time to realize that I could use Blues sonic canon to figure out what's in the immediate area. It works.....unfortunately it doesn't see far and we have to scan the area then move out of the area and scan again. Though we've finally stumbled upon a planet. As we approach I prepare myself, this is going to be a rough landing. Strapping into the seat and securing them as tight as I can, I take a deep breath and enter the atmosphere. Blue shakes and while I put all we have into the thrusters we are still coming in too fast. Lights start blaring and I can see flames licking up blue. The force of entry forces me back into the seat, pressing down like it's trying to squash me like a bug. All I can do is close my eyes and count down the seconds. My vision goes black and my ears ring. Everything hurts so much worse now. This was a terrible plan. I imagine what repairs I had managed are probably worthless now. I unclip myself, lurching forward gasping in breaths, my head firmly resting between my knees.

        The goodbye to Blue is brief and filled with silent apologies for leaving her behind and promises to be back soon. The dirt crunches under my boots. Keith would love this planet it literally just desert. I can easily imagine an old western town, cacti and rattlesnakes. There are a few plants around they're light gray and look like a bunch of perfect cubes stacked slightly off of one another. They're super cool looking. It looks like desert for miles and the sonar doesn't scan for life signs. Which you know sucks. This planet is a gamble since it's unlikely without help we will be able to take off and the planet seems to be lacking in resources. Unfortunate that we had so few options. The sun is beating down, emphases on the beating. Sweat drips from my brow and I'm suddenly very worried about my water supply. What a way for a paladin of voltron to go, dehydration. Maybe they'll never find my body and assume I died from my wounds from the battle, that's at least cooler.

I meet my first life form while exploring a bit looking for civilization or supplies. It looks a bit like a beetle. I mean it's got a round silver body and six legs, however it face kinda resembles a chickens and it's the size of a cat. I decide to keep my distance from the thing.  I see a couple more of the beetle chickens as I travel, and a creature that looked like a bird and a fish had a baby and then that baby had a baby with a rhino. It was one of the weirdest things I've seen while traveling through the universe. I've seen a lot of weird things.

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