Love you

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*Btw Finn and Millie are 16*
Finn and I walked down the street. The white fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky. I noticed today that I had only worn a light sweater. I was shivering, well that was until finn draped his large oversized coat over me. He took my hands in his and warmed them gently. When done he kissed my knuckles and smiled a cheeky smile.

He pulled me to the side and rested his hands on my shoulders. "Millie?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "Yes Finn?" He sighed and looked at me straight in my eyes, piercing me. "Millie I-I love you" he said stuttering a little. I pulled him closer to me, "I love you too Finn".

He leaned closer , and pressed his lips to mine. Yes Finn and I had been friends for a long time so I wasn't expecting this. But I slowly snaked my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, getting more confident.

He pressed me up against the wall I was leaning on and started kissing me harder. Finn and I scurried back to the hotel I was staying at. We got inside and he shoved the door closed behind me. He ran his fingers through my gelled back hair and sighed.

Finn pulled his body against my mine and skimmed my body with his fingertips. "God Millie I love you so damn much." He moaned into me. I giggled and ran my fingers through his dark curly hair.

He began leaving trail of kisses down my neck. Kissing me so he was afraid I was going to shatter or something. He tapped my thighs signaling for me to jump. I agreed and wrapped my legs on either side of him. He let out a short laugh and went back to kissing me. He slowly walked backwards, the back of his leg finally hitting the bed.

He slowly laid down on the bed given by me a look that seemed to be asking "Are you sure?" I slowly nodded and sat in his lap. "F-" I shook my head. He groaned into my neck as I sat there, teasing the poor boy.

"Come on something" He laid down and moaned. I ran my hands along his chest. "M'kay will do" I said smirking. I started kissing his bare chest. He finally gave up and sat up, bucking his hips up.

I grabbed his hair by a fistful. "Finn... quit it." "No" he said breathlessly. He flipped us over so that my back was flat against the bed. He supported all of his weight on the palms of his hands while kissing me everywhere.

"Arms Up." Finn demanded. I did as told and gently lifted my shirt over my head. My short skirt ended by about ending five inches above my knee. He put his hands gently on the rim of my skirt, tugging ever so slightly slightly. "May I?"

"Yes, my god Finn hurry up." I said raising my voice. I swear to god he took it off as slow as possible. "Finn hurry up or I swear to god I will knee you in the balls" he leaned up and bit his lip. "Pretty sure you don't wanna do that, or we can't do this" he said trying not to smile. I hooked my arms around his neck and kissed him harshly.

He went back down. "Are you ready?" He asked me anxiously, licking his lips.

Thank you peoples for reading. All I have to say is things are gonna get intense. Like really intense next chapter.

Afterwards (Fillie)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora