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I nodded my head slowly. He slowly slowly slid in between my legs and he tightly gripped my shoulders. "Here we go" he sighed as he aligned with me.
Finn collapsed on me. A thin layer of sweat covering his body. He lay next to me, panting while we both close our eyes...tired. "God," Finn said tilting his head back. "You're good."

I just nodded my head not able to form words. I woke the next morning and Finn wasn't there. "Finn?" I asked looking around the room. "Finn what the hell! Where are you?" I asked getting up. I looked around the whole room and Finn wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I decided to check my Instagram.
"Oml did u hear that Finn and Millie slept together?"
"I wonder how it was"
"Lol wonder if Millie can walk"

My eyes widened. How did the word get out? It couldn't have happened unless Finn said something.  I called him and he finally picked up on the fifth ring. "Oh my god Millie! What the fuck do you want?" He yelled. "What's your deal Finn? My god, you got what you wanted!" I said my voice breaking. "Millie stop caller by me okay! Christ!" He yelled again hanging up the phone.

I stood there frozen. Finn, for as long as I've known him, has never talked like that. Especially to me. I threw my phone and slid down wiping my eyes, and burying my face in my knees. I don't even know why this happened. It's just another person in my life who hurt me. I sobbed that night and I finally cried my self to sleep.

I woke the next morning and I looked at my phone. I saw that I had thirteen missed calls from Finn, three from the nearby hospital, and two from his parents. I called the hospital as soon as I could. "Hello, how may I help you?" A lady said on the other line. "Yes hello do you have a patient named Finn Wolfhard if so is he okay?" I asked, worry taking me over.

"Well you see honey Finn was in a terrible accident last night and he is now in critical condition. Only family can see him right now." I felt a wave of fear crash over me and the tide was rolling in now. I hung up the phone and rushed over to the hospital. When I was walking in I saw Finn's mother. She looked exhausted and she put her hand on my shoulder. "Millie...F-Finn won't st-stop asking f-for you" her mom sobbed. We stood together for A while. I tried comforting the poor woman.

"I'm going to give you permission to see Finn okay?" I nodded my head quickly. Ten minutes later my hand was hovering over the door handle to his room. I finally got the nerve to do so and I wish I didn't. Tubes where everywhere and he was hooked up to all these machines. I ran over to him and took his hand in mine. It was cold but it was Finn's. It was my Finn's hand. I kissed it gently. Finn's eyes fluttered open very carefully.

"Millie?" He asked weakly his fingers on my cheekbone. "Finn.... I-I" that's when I completely lost it. That tidal wave had finally come and took me over. I couldn't handle seeing Finn like this. My best friend. and still maybe possibly my boyfriend. I cried into his shirt as he stroked my hair. I sat with him. Doctors coming by every now and then to check on him or give him pills. I decided to stay the night. I took finn's mustard yellow sweatshirt and pulled it over my head. That's when I fell asleep to the heart monitor in Finn's hospital bed.

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