Happiness Virus!!

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Me: *scrolling down boredly when I saw people commenting on my story*

*smiles slightly*


*smiles with the other side high up*

*smiles widely*

*surpresses scream*

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.... *looks at screen* 

Oh. My. God. *does surpressed scream*

Amai: *looks at me weirdly* What's wrong...?

Me: *eyes sparkles* Someone... *breathes heavily* commented.... *breathes* on my story. *happiness* On. My. Story. *realization hits me straight in the face* *falls on the ground doing surpressed screams*

Amai: *probably rolled her eyes and continued studying* Insane....

Me: I can't take this anymore... I really want to scream!!! *goes to room*

Me: I can't scream here... They would still hear it... *feels happiness come back* Aaahh!! I'll just roll on the bed until my happiness overload subsides!!! *rolls around on bed shouting and screaming in her head*


Me: *goes back to computer after my sanity comes back* 

Amai: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OMG!!!!!

Me: Huh...? Why are you screaming??

Amai: It's the happy virus!!!

Me: *blinks*


Me: =__= And you call me insane...

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