Chapter 2

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Jesse looks directly at Axel then down at her feet. "It's just... I... I'm gonna miss you when you guys leave and I was wondering if you, Olivia and the gang wanted to have breakfast before you two go." Jesse rubs her neck and bites the inside of her cheek. Axel, not noticing that she just said something entirely different than her original statement, grins. "Heck yeah we will. See you in the morning Jesse." He smiles before going into his room. Jesse looks around. The entire area is dark. No matter how hard she tried, Jesse could not shake the feeling that she was being watched. She opens her bedroom door.

As the door closes and Jesse lays on her bed, a red smoke emerges from the blackness of the other room. "...Perfect..." A deep voice says, with a slight tone of delight. The red smoke slowly creeps around every obstacle the house gives until it reaches an iron door. The iron door opens and the red smoke goes into the trophy room that is connected to the house. "Hahahaha!" There is an evil laughter as the smoke creeps around, looking for particular objects.

The sun slowly rises.
The wind blows softly.
Everything is peaceful.
People around beacontown start to wake up.
Jesse lays in her bed, watching a wall. She had not gotten any sleep since she woke up earlier. Her mind is blank but not from tiredness. It was from an overload of thoughts. 'The admin..' Jesse breathes, 'something isn't right... He should be gone... but is he?' She slowly sits up, to find her door open. "Hello?" She rubs her eyes and stretches a little. She sees a tall figure standing in the door way. "Admin...?" She blinks and sees Lukas. "...So I'm an admin now?" He laughs. Jesse rolls her eyes as Lukas walks over and sits on her bed, "So... Jesse, I wanted to ask you. What made you stay in beacontown and not leave with Petra?" Lukas moves a piece of hair out of Jesses face but when Jesse does not answer, he stands up. "So where are we heading for breakfast?" He asks as he heads out of her room. "Crap.. I completely forgot that I made that excuse. Could you cover for me while I get ready?" Jesse grabs a pair of overalls and a white and red shirt. Lukas grins, "Sure, cowgirl." "...Cowgirl? Wow. I haven't heard that one in a while." Jesse grins and winks at Lukas. Lukas laughs before leaving her room. Jesse swiftly gets dressed then she goes to her mirror and looks at her reflection. She felt like something just wasn't right. She closes her eyes and breathes. 'The admin is gone. There is no need to worry. No reason at all! ...Right?'

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