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Assalamu alaikum, My name is Maimuna Tangbo Muhammad, this is my first story called The Fall Of The Supercilious Girl, i hope you'll give it a chance and much love.

El Mustapha's House

It was around 5:00 in the evening, Muskan was all alone in the house, like you know it's not easy to have a working parents,
( Father : a Banker. Mother : a doctor ). They are always not around and life becomes hard, you have to watch others always around with their parents, but you, reverse is the case.

Muskan was trying all sorts of things just to spend time, like drinking ice cream, playing games, before her parents will come back. It's not like she's not use to it, but today was just somehow boring.

Suddenly, she had a knock at the door, thinking it's either of her parents. But it turned out to be Hanna, Hanna! She exclaimed.

Hanna is her best friend since from kindergarten, there parents are also family friends.

They hugged each other,before she finally let her in. So what are you doing at home alone? Hanna asked.

Nothing and you know since my parents are not at home I have to look after the house, Muskan replied.

Oh! I'm so sorry Hanna pitied, Muskan you could have just called me, but do you know what, I'm here to invite you to my birthday on Monday, hope you will come? Hanna asked her.

perfect I will definitely come since my parents will both be at home due to a public holiday, replied Muskan.

So what do you say about I spend the rest of the day with you before they come back, Hanna suggested.

Oh! Hanna that will be a blessing for me, because today's just boring and I don't know why, Muskan replied.

Thanks very much Halimalili, she bought my mind to this particular episodes, so I could edit it.

So this episode's dedicated you.

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