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Can't believe we've finished high school and here we are in university, I thought before Hanna draft me from my other life.

Muskan do you remember that guy, Noor. Yeah what about him I asked her.

He's also in this school studying Engineering, Hanna said.

Oh! Hanna, Hanna, and we're here to study Mass comm, so can you please forget that topic and let's focus on our life.

Okey, Muskan so when is our next lecture coming up.

By 2:00pm, so let's go have some ice cream, am tasty, I told her.



So any latest, Muskan, yes actually, that singer Davido he's coming to sing here, right in our school tomorrow by 4:00pm.

I was speechless for one of Muskan's dream is becoming real, I mean hey only if you guys know how much this girl right beside me is going crazy over his songs.

OMG! Tell me Muskan, are you for real.

Actually, Hanna are you from this planet, didn't you see posters all over the school, his coming and that's for real, she replied.

So what are we wearing for the show, she asked nervously.

Ya Allah, Muskan do you have a crush on him, ( just teasing her ).

But you know I'm his greatest fan, you know what let's go for shopping after our last lecture, Hanna.



I didn't see you at the concert yesterday, I'm so tired, you can just imagine how much I drank and danced to his new song "IF".

I was watching you girlfriend, but you need to reduce your alcohol intake, only if you knew how much you drank yesterday, you're saying you didn't see me yesterday, then how did you get to bed yesterday, can you just imagine what could have happened if I didn't came, Hanna said angrily.

I was amused and angry at the same time, that I didn't know when I answered her back.

Wow! Hanna, who bought me into this kind of world, and now you're telling me things that I don't have a clue where they came from,what a traitor.

And that's why I'm the same person that's asking you to stop, I mean we're no more kid's whatever we do here will be lebel against us for life, Muskan, she replied in the same manner, indicating that she's very angry.

That's right never knew you're a betrayal, till today, I think this where we go our separate path, I told her, as i stood up to leave.

Everybody was looking at us at that time, and I knew why because we're like twins ever since we came, if you see Muskan you see Hanna, vice versa, I mean is your brain not working, WE ROCK THE SCHOOL.


PERFECT TIMING, you know ever since those 2 came, they stole my star, i've been planing on how to break them never knew it will be this soon, especially the one they call MUSKAN, I hate her very much, but for the mean time I will use her, I need to get back my "crown as the queen of this UNI.

Whoa, Muskan run for your life, there's a predator hunting for your dear life, hmm it's getting interesting can't wait to see what will happen, it's still me your dearest writer, till we meet in the next chapter, Bye for now.

This episode is dedicated to WATTPAD.

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