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I was sitting on the chair in our chemistry class, when suddenly our best enemy came and sat with me.

Hello Muskan, its quite a surprise to see you alone here, where is Hanna.

Zubaida, just say what bought you here, don't act ignorant, I told her.

Alright, Muskan I just want to tell you that i'm not your enemy as you girls thought, especially that Hanna, I only wanted us to be friends, she said it with all the innocence she could mustered.

Hmm, such an actress, if it weren't that I knew Zubaida, I'll have said she's genuine.

OK, you came at the right time as I extended my right hand to her, friends? I ask her.

Friends she said.

From there we started to chat, spoke about different activities that I forgot about somebody called Hanna.

Muskan, actually I wanted to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow it's holding in my house, and also your friend will be there, you know ( alcohol ).

She's not going anywhere, we had a voice said on top of our head,

Hanna! Shocked, what are you doing here, I asked her. That was just what I wanted to ask her, said Zubaida.

And who are you to ask me that, you are nothing to me, you're just like an ant that I could easily crush, if I wish to, Hanna told her.

And who are you to just bash on us like that, and to think that you can order us around, I asked her.

Muskan, please stop all this, you know that you're not on the same level with this thing, for crying out loud you've passed that, if it's about what I told you the other day, it's just the truth.

Ya ALLAH, Muskan you're like my sister and you know it, we've always done things together right from when we were kids.

Muskan, I can't take this anymore i'm going Zubaida told me, no you don't just leave alone, I'm also going, I told her.

Who is Zubaida

She's a girl from a rich family who always have things go her way, her father's a minister, ever since she came to UNILAG, she squanders money the way she likes.

she's the star of the school having million of girls following her, ready to do anything she says. Night parties is a regular affair of hers.

Unfortunately, during her second year came 2 girls, that's Muskan and Hanna, in terms of money squandering she's nothing to them, especially the one called Muskan, she hated her with all her life.

One faithful Monday at an ice cream shop, she saw her best dream ever coming true, Muskan and Hanna quarrelling!

She saw that as the perfect opportunity to separate them even if it's means something nobody could ever expected her to do.

It's seems Muskan was more careless than Hanna, saw she decided to go for her best enemy.

Because for her to get to Hanna, will be an effortless reach. That's the trio story.

Zubaida, you're such a stress reliever, thanks for inviting me to the party, be sure I will come tomorrow by 10:00pm.

Anything for you, Muskan dearest, Zubaida said with the most wicked smile ever.

Wow! I wonder what Zubaida meant by saying "something nobody could ever expect".
Well you guys could guess and I will dedicate a chapter to whoever guesses right. It's still me, your dearest writer, I love you all.

The Fall Of The Supercilious Girl  ( Completed )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon