Truth or Lie

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"I'm scared Lorna, you really think its him?" I asked worried.

I should of been happy to finally meet Prince Adam of good vampires but I wasn't , in fact I was very unhappy.

I didn't want to admit it to myself before but I was kind of wishing the Prince would never show up, I know it was selfish of me to wish that but still.

Whether I liked it or not I had a connection with Adam the prince of bad vampires , I didn't want to meet the prince until I cleared things up with Adam.

"I don't know Krysta, but there is only one way to know, let's go see."

I nodded my head and once again I teleported us back to the castle.


"We've reached the room Krysta, aren't you going in?" Lorna asked me for the second time.

I was standing in front of the door, finding it hard to move my foot.

"I'm not sure if I could do this." I whispered more to myself than to her.

"Look Krysta its okay, everything is going to be fine, either it is him or not."Lorna said reassuring me.

With a deep breath I forced my feet to move .

There in the room stood the king and queen with some boy with blond hair.

He turned as if sensing my presence and smiled.He was good looking but not as handsome as Adam.

I couldn't help but compare him to Adam.

I stopped a few feet away from him and he closed the distance between us.

"Hi." he said softly.

"Hi." I said just as soft.

"You must be Krysta."

I just nodded my head studying him.His eyes were blue, not green like Adam's.

"You're even more beautiful than I imagined."

Usually I would blush at such a comment but I was too busy trying to figure out if he really was the prince of good vampires.

"How do we know you truly are the prince?"I asked suspiciously.

He quirked an eyebrow and walked closer to me.

"Can't you feel the connection between us?"he asked grabbing my hand.

I waited , trying to feel something....however I felt absolutely nothing.

There was no connection whatsoever.

Wasn't I supposed to know who the prince was?Wasn't I supposed to be drawn to him?

I turned away from him and looked at Lorna.

"Bring the crown." I told her.

She nodded understanding what I wanted to do.

If he truly was the prince then the crown should glow red.

After a few minutes she returned with the crown in her hands.

I handed it to him and he looked at me confused.

"What should I do with this?" he asked.

"Place it on your head."I ordered.

He hesitated at first but then he placed it on top of his head.........

I stared in shock.

The crown was glowing red!

It couldn't be, he couldn't be the prince, it wasn't possible.

The boy smiled at me, "Does this answer your question?"he asked.

"I...It can't be, you did something with the crown didn't you!"I accused him.

I heard the queen gasp behind me.

"Krysta you've gotten the proof, what more do you want?He is your soulmate, my son."she said running to hug him.

How could they accept him just so?

I turned to Lorna for help but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Look Krysta , I know this must be hard for you and it will take time for you to believe that I truly am prince Adam but I am, though I would prefer if you call me Kyle."

Was this guy for real?Even his name was fake.

"Isn't your name Adam?" I asked confused.

"Yes, it was but the family where I grew up in calls me Kyle, so I would appreciate it if you call me that."

I looked at him in a ' you can't be serious way' but looked away since the queen was looking at me as if to tell me behave.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Kyle, I have some things to do now, so we'll talk soon."I said sarcastically, turning to walk away.

"Krysta we aren't finished as yet."the king said stopping me.

I turned around slowly, not wanting to know what they had planned.

"We have decided to throw a ball for Adam's, I mean Kyle's return, this is the most joyous day for me, I've gotten my son back, I want to celebrate with all the kingdoms."King Charm said happily.

It was really nice to see them so happy but they shouldn't have believed him so easily, something wasn't right.

I let out a sigh, keeping a tight grip on my hands so I don't throw them up in the air in frustration.

"When ?"I asked curiously.

" Tomorrow." the queen chimed in.

"Okay, its been a really stressful night and I would like some sleep, besides Lorna and I have some important things to deal with."I stated flatly.

Lorna nodded and we both excused ourselves.


"I just can't believe it , he just doesn't seem like the Prince Lorna."I said for like the fifth time.

I was lying in my bed with Lorna next to me, she decided to keep me company since I was so frustrated and I was very grateful that she did.

"Krysta you haven't even given him a chance as yet."

"I know but you always told me that I would know who the prince is, that I would feel a connection, well I'm telling you I feel nothing when I'm with him."

Lorna sighed .

"There is nothing we can do, even the crown glowed red."she stated.

"I'm sure he did something to it, he is lying about something, how did he even get here in the first place?" I asked frustrated.

" I don't know, we can always find out later.But are you sure this is about you believing he is lying or does this have anything to do with Adam?"she asked suspiciously.

I groaned out loud, closing my eyes in the process.

Why did she have to mention him?I didn't want to think of him in a situation like this.It would just make things worst.

"It doesn't matter but I could tell you one thing for sure, I have more of a connection with him than with this Kyle dude."

Lorna rolled her eyes and turned away from me, taking off the lights.

"Let's just get some sleep for now, we need rest, tomorrow we shall talk about everything , we still have to help out King Richard's castle."

I nodded my head and stared at the ceiling above me, I just had a feeling that something was wrong.

Something big was going to happen.

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