The Glow Awards: Judges

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Here's all the judges. *last updated  4th of June 2018*

Remember: All bribing is forbidden and judges, LET US KNOW if someone bribed you. Then we will disqualify that person because this award is going to be fair. So, judges, now you will have a big responsibility, we count on you to make this contest fair for everyone! + Please refer to vote when you judge and remember you only have to read 6 chapters!

Another thing, as a judge, if we get two winners, then the other judge in the category will have to score the same book, then we will take the average of both scores and that will become the final score. IF there isn't anymore judge in your category...well... we will fix it somehow :P

Also, judges if you are stuck on how you will judge something, just send us a question and we will help you on how we would have judged that particular issue you have. If you are two judges sharing the number of books, you can also ask each other for help. (You can always contact: bumble-vee or DiamondSkys or Coolcourtney5)

Adventure/Action JUDGE: (results are out)
1. Xanatos271
Will judge all 12 books.
Amount of books entered: 12

Fanfiction JUDGES: (judging has started)
1. ATheDevilHerself
2. AzraJazzmyn

Amount of books entered:  15

Fantasy JUDGES: (results are out)
1. Psycholicious1 
2. jessica_swans
Both will judge 9 books each.
Amount of books entered: 18

General Fiction: (results are out)
1. HalcyonTears
One judge read 8 books. 
Amount of books entered: 8  

Historical Fiction JUDGE: (results are out)
1. megha_k
One judge read 3 books.
Amount of books entered: 3 (Will only have one winner)
WINNER: SmitaShukla16

Horror JUDGE: (results are out)
1. Aloststoryteller
One judge read 6 books.
Amount of books entered: 6 

Humour JUDGES: (results are out)
1. jessica_swans
One judge read 2 books.
Amount of books entered: 2 (Will only have one winner!)
WINNER:  jettmanas

Mystery/Thriller JUDGE: (judging has started)
1. Jessica_Swans
One judge will judge 3 books.
Amount of books entered: 3

Poetry JUDGE: (results are out)
The judge will judge all 21 entries.
Amount of books entered: 21

Random JUDGE: (results are out)
1. bumble-vee
(admin of the contest at #ProjectSonorous)  
One judge will judge 8 books.
Amount of books entered: 8

Romance/Chicklit JUDGES: (results are out)
1. PinkSopHora
2. Xohrats (This judge is done with judging.)
One judge will judge 6 books and the other one will read 7 books.
Amount of books entered: 13 

Science Fiction/Paranormal JUDGE: (results are out)
1. Psycholicious1
One judge will read 18 books.
Amount of books entered: 18  

Short story JUDGES: (judging has started)
1. jessica_Swans
One judges will read 8 books each.
Amount of books entered: 16  

Teen Fiction JUDGES: (results are out)
1. Psycholicious1
2. Xohrats  (This judge is done with judging.)  
One judge will read 6 books and the other one will read 5 books.
Amount of books entered: 11 

Werewolf/Vampire JUDGES: (results are out)
1.  Psycholicious1

One judge will read 9 books.
Amount of books entered: 9

Sorry! All the spots are taken for being a judge, although we might have people dropping out as judges, so if you're interested, fill in the judge's application and we will get back to you if a spot opens up. Thanks for your support!

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