A message from us. (Important)

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Hello, everyone! 
DiamondSkys here. Before your brain starts to think that we will come with bad news, STOP IT! We're not! :P

There's just a thing that we at #ProjectSonorous really want to talk to you about. 
Earlier this week, coolcourtney5 (one of our admins here at #ProjectSonorous) who also host her own award wrote a post about an award account being rude. I don't want to go into further details about that because that is not what this update is about. 

What I do want to bring up is that if you at any time feel like we here at #ProjectSonorus are rude or disrespectful to you then you have to tell us about that. Here comes a quote from our profile about what this #ProjectSonorous really is about.

"Our sole purpose is to support each and every person with word problems. Be it a writer who has trouble finding words or a reader with a stammer. We absolutely love diversity in writing style and quirks in a story. We are trying to embrace (more like capture) as many people as we can to help in our cause and we would love to make you a part of our project.

Therefore we just want to tell you all that every single entry we have received are unique in a way and our judges have really appreciated reading all the stories! Keep on writing everyone because you, yes you, are amazing at it! Don't forget, the more you practice on writing, the better you will become.

One more thing is that remember, even if you are not the winner in this contest, that doesn't mean that your book is not good enough. That means that this time your book wasn't the judge's favorite. What I am trying to say to you is that this is one person's opinion about your book. The judges in this contest don't represent all the people in the world, the judges in this contest are here to try to make all books better because everyone can develop their writing in some way.

Thank you for reading this!

The Glow Awards | 2017 | Judging Stage (No more entries)Where stories live. Discover now