What's Happening?

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I let Rowan drag me to the main room, where, indeed, Bellona sat at one of the tables, staring at the television. When we sat down, she turned to face us. Well, to be specific, she faced me, and squinted her eyes. "Something's different about you, Abigail." She said. She had a habit of calling me by my full name. Quite surprising, considering no one else did so. " Really now? I feel the same as yesterday." 'Except for the fact that something's haunting my goddamn necklace.' 'She needs to die .Immediately.' Uh oh. "Ah, I know what it is. Do you mind coming with me, Abigail? Rowan, please stay here." I got up and followed her to another table, a good distance away. "You let it in, didn't you? The shadow-person?" I nodded solemnly. She sighed. I couldn't tell if it was one of relief or of impatience. "Well, I guess my time has come, right?" "Wait, wha-" "Correct! Now, be still, and I'll make it painless!" "Wait a minute! What the hell, guys? First of all, why does Bellona need to die so urgently? What did she do to you, besides know of your existence? " "Her knowing of us is a problem in itself, little Abby. Once we left her to go to you, she sealed her fate. She actually wants to die, which makes our job here a lot easier. You, on the other hand, are not to be harmed. The council says that a special fate is in store for you. They tell me not to kill you or anyone you will know in the future, unless you tell me to. Now, if you would do yourself a favor and go join your sister, tell her the truth about me, and don't look over here. Don't worry, it will be painless for her." I did as I was told, keeping my eyes off the shadow, as tears began to form in my eyes. As I reached Rowan, I heard the scream. It was short, but I knew how little pain came from it. I hugged Rowan, still crying. She stared behind me, and her eyes widened. "W-what happened to Bellona? Why is she on the ground? Why is there blood?" I looked where Alliby and Bellona once sat, there, on the floor, was Bellona's corpse. There was blood, there was so much blood. But Bellona would no longer suffer in this world. I felt a gush of cold wind, and I knew that Alliby was back. "Rowan, I need to tell you something..?" I said, but she was already gone, probably to get a nurse or an officer that worked here. She returned five minutes later, shaking. "Abby, you were talking to her before...that happened. What happened? Tell me everything this time, please? I need to know why she just...died. " I sighed "Yes, I'll tell you everything. Come with me."

*Time Skip *

"You what?!!" "Calm down, would you? It's no big deal" "No big deal?! Are you kidding me right now, Abby? Of course it's a big deal! I told you that damned necklace was bad luck! And look what that damned demon in it did to poor Bellona! It freaking KILLED her for crying out loud! So would you PLEASE get rid of it?" "She CAN'T, you moron. I cursed it. She is stuck with me, so you are stuck with me. Deal with it, girly." "Hey! Watch who you're calling a moron and girly, Demon-face!" me and Rowan said at the same time, causing her to laugh, then facepalm. "I had no idea the council disliked me so much. They're making me babysit now. I need better bosses. Ugh, becoming a shadow is the worst decision I have made in my entire existence!" " Oh quit pitying yourself. You just killed a person, a friend. You'd better hope that you're immortal, or else I'll find a way to kill you myself." Rowan promised. I didn't argue, after all, I was mad at her, and even though killing her seemed harsh then, it would have been disastrous a few years later.

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