Life as monsters

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Rowan's POV

Abby still hasn't woken up, but her wound had healed, and she started breathing again. Sometimes, a shadowy figure will show up, and sit next to her. I talk to 'her', she says her name is Alliby. I remember that she is the one that killed Bellona. But I think that Abby might have forgiven her. She seems really nice, and she says that she's trying to heal her from her dreams. I'm, for some reason, still bloodthirsty, and, according to Alliby, I have somehow managed to be Satan's 'personal Grim Reaper'. She says that the scythe I found was cursed, but in a rather good way: Whoever I kill with it will be going to hell, no matter how good the person was. But I found my way around the curse: I would only kill those who deserve to die.

Abby's POV

Cold. It's dark. What's happening? Where am I? Where's Rowan? I'm...hungry. I need to eat. 'Abby? You need to wake up. Rowan brought you to safety.' Is that...Alliby? Wake up? 'Yes, wake up! Open your goddamn eyes. I've finished healing you, and It's safe for you to be conscious.' If she says so?
I open my eyes slowly. "Rowan?" I call for my sister. Where am I? "Abby? Are you okay?" "I'm fine. But I'm hungry." She laughed, shaking her head. "I'm not surprised. He starved you to death. Literally. Your heart stopped beating, you stopped breathing, you were as cold as death." "Yeah, yeah. Get me food already." "Oh, yeah, sure." She left the room, and returned shortly after with a platter of cookies. I took one and ate it. It was...disgusting. Grimacing, I got up, and saw someone tied to a chair. I smiled. "Who's this?" I asked, pointing to the quite ugly guy, tied and gagged. "Oh, probably the owner of this lovely place. Or maybe a thief. I don't know, to be honest. He tried taking me on, so he's not the brightest bulb. You can take care of him, just be sure to get rid of the evidence." I nod, and turn back to the poor guy. I smile. I go over to the kitchen, and find a very sharp knife, and a box of sewing materials, and something in the back of my mind snaps. I grab both objects and head back to the living room. I start by sewing the guy's mouth shut, so that the gag isn't needed, then I sew his eyelids shut. Then I carve off a bit of his skin, and then some of his bloody flesh. It smells...delicious. I taste it. A wide smile is on my lips. My eyes, crazed. The man is dead within minutes, and I am eating his heart. My hunger is satisfied, though I know it will only be hours until I will need to eat again. Humans, huh? I guess I'm a cannibal. I go to wipe my mouth, but "Ouch! What the-" I glance in a mirror. There, from my mouth to my cheeks, on both sides, was a deep cut. I winced. I must have accidentally cut myself while I was eating. I don't know how I didn't feel it, but it doesn't matter. I grabbed a needle and some black thread, and did cute crisscross stitches over the cuts. "There!" I giggle, hurting my cheeks. "Now I'm 'Stitches the Cannibal'!"

I liked the sound of that.  

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