What Sanity?

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"I see you both have the extreme idiocy to come down here, even though you know I could kill you any day of the week. Such brats you both are, and yet you're still not allowed outside for more than ten minutes. Ha! You have no idea of the things going on outside, and for that, I pity you." I glare at the wretched man, wanting nothing more than to slit his throat wide open. I then realized that I was the only one gagged. "You sick Fuck! Why do you even bother experimenting on us? What is there to find? We are normal human orphans, who want a normal life!" "Normal? Please! You think I don't know what you are, Demon?" "What are you even talking about, you bastard? Demons? Wow, you're crazier than I thought." "Watch your mouth, monster! You will both be thankful for the fate I have in store for you." With that, he jammed a needle into our skins, and yet again, we passed out.

Darling child, you shall be joining us soon, joining the insane. You and your sister shall be trained, or perhaps you will train yourself, I wonder. It may take a few years, perhaps even a few centuries, but we will find you, and bring you back to your family.

I awoke with a start, breathing heavily. 'What a weird dream, don't you think so, Alliby?' 'Yes, very bizarre indeed, for someone as innocent as you are. I, on the other hand, know what he is talking about. Don't worry, with time, you too will understand.' 'Ah. Well, for now, would you mind helping me out here, please?' 'sure' Alliby came out from the necklace and with a swipe from a claw, the gag was out of my mouth, and the rope removed. I realized that I was locked in a cage, one very small cage, with a small bed. I looked over to my left, and saw Rowan in another cage, same sized, but she had a small piece of bread in a platter. I looked at my phone, which I had kept in my boots, and saw that it was already night. I realized that I hadn't eaten anything since this morning, and that I was very hungry all of a sudden. I wanted to eat, but I couldn't . I wept. I wept for the family I never knew, who had brought me here. I wept for my dear sister, who is forced into this terrible fate. I also wept for the nurses, who couldn't tell anyone what they knew about the criminal, Granter. I eventually fell asleep.
"Wake up, brats!" What does he want now? "Do you two know what I intoxicated you with? It's a special drug called Vargos. It makes your organs, as well as any wounds, no matter how fatal, heal quickly. This will make my studies easier, and hopefully a bit less painful for you. Until you both are...stable, I will leave you two in your cages. You are no longer allowed to return upstairs. I do not think the girls upstairs would mind, though they spoil you...girls a little too much. I'll leave you two alone now." "Uh, Granter?" I asked, "What do you want?" "Could I have some paper? And a pencil?" "Fine." He left, and returned shortly after, with what I had asked for. I began drawing immediately, and after about twenty minutes, I had finished a creepy drawing of a forest, one that I have seldom seen in my dreams. I was satisfied. I did not feel like talking much, not even to my sister. I scratched my cheeks, but flinched, as I saw that my nails had grown rather long and sharp, and I felt my cheek bleeding. "What the absolute heck? What the hell is going on anymore?!"

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