WAR (part 1)

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'Attention, Cheshire will soon be attacking our refuge. You have all been training hard for this. Grab your weapons, and be prepared to fight.' Slender's message rang through everyone's heads, loud and clear as day. Stitches awoke from her nap with a start, and dashed to get her mouth-guard on, slipped into her hoodie, grabbed her dagger and ran downstairs. There, were the people she had grown to trust, and even love. Soul Snatcher, her sister, who had her hood up, and her scythe in one hand, Jeff, who stood by her sister's side, ready to kill, EJ, her cannibalistic friend, LJ, BEN, Jane, and finally, Bloody Painter. His mask was in place, and as he walked up to her, she knew that he would fight for her, just like how she knew Jeff would fight for Soul Snatcher. Slenderman urged them all outside the mansion, and Stitches felt the change in the air. She saw a figure, floating in mid-air. 'An illusion. I will guide you to him. He will not know it is you.' Alliby said, and soon, Stitches' vision turned blurry for a moment, before seeing everything in black and white. The figure was no longer there, but she saw him in a tree, not far away, grinning. It was a sickening sight. Her vision returned to normal, and she rushed towards the tree. Alliby, no longer in her mind or body, followed her, creating the illusion of an actual shadow. The others looked at her, as though they couldn't believe what she was doing. Stitches could now clearly see a shape, above a branch. The grin, in the shape of a crescent. Stitches lunged forward, and her dagger actually hit something flesh-like. The figure descended towards the ground, and soon, all of the Creepypastas went towards the figure, who was now visible. Soul Snatcher was attacking it first, having teleported from where she was standing a second before, to where he was. However, he managed to block her scythe, and she was thrown back. Helen tried to get to him, but each time he was so close, only to be kicked back down. From where she was on the branch, Stitches could see his tail, and she jumped, turning invisible as she fell, and sliced a good part of it off. He hissed in pain, and jumped back. She was visible once again. His eyes narrowed, before widening in realization. Stitches took this moment to catch him off-guard.

The sound of the crushing of bones.


The dagger fell from her hands.

Stitches looked at her stomach, and saw a large branch sticking out. Her face, expressionless.

Helen's face contorted in surprise, then horror. Soul Snatcher, winked, as a signal to play dead. Stitches did exactly that. She went limp, and did her best to hide a smile. "N-NO!" Helen gasped. Cheshire approached, and so did Soul Snatcher, only she was quieter, but Stitches could still tell she was there. When Cheshire was close enough, and was examining her state, Stitches looked back up, and smiled. She held an extra knife, Alliby's. But she only managed to do a minor, but deep wound in his side, before he vanished, and reappeared further away, leaving a disappointed Soul Snatcher, who had been ready to behead him. Stitches removed herself from the branch, and left it dripping in blood. The wound had already started the process of healing, but she figured it would leave a scar. It would also need to be disinfected later, after this was done and over with. Helen rushed over to her. "Are you okay? I thought you died!" She gave a smile. "Oh, I wish. Unfortunately, you're stuck with me for yet another while." He hugged her, but was quick to let go, when he remembered that, while she was still alive, she was also still injured. He tore off the long sleeve of his coat, and gave it to her. She took the hint, and quickly wrapped it around her stomach. "At least this way, it won't get too infected, right?" He said, and she nodded. Meanwhile, Soul Snatcher was rolling her eyes, impatient. "As adorable as this is, can we go kill that annoying cat..thing? Please?" Helen seemed reluctant to leave Stitches, but started going after Cheshire anyway. Soul Snatcher once again relied on her teleportation, but when she reached him, darkness engulfed her. "Now Now, is that any way of treating your father? " "Nice try, but not this time." She was back in the forest within seconds, and lashed at him, but stopped short when she saw his face. The graying, brown hair, the knowing, blue eyes.

That old, blood-soaked lab coat.

The scarf, that almost, almost covered the large amount of stitches around his neck.


"It was you, all those years ago, wasn't it, Granter?"

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