First encounter

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3 years later
Stitches' POV

I am stalking my prey, a skinny young thing, probably not a lot of meat on those bones, but it would do. I shiver with delight, it had been so long since I've had a decent meal. Being a cannibal is sometimes complicated, what with having to eat people. But this one deserves it. She's been picking on less popular girls at a school a town over, where I go shopping for food (for Rowan, of course.) . Oh, how I hate bullies. She'll make a tasty little snack. And she really shouldn't be going through Silver Lake's forest. Bad things have happened here. But they've all been buried, of course. She has no business here. I hope she's meeting with some of her...clique, so that I can have a whole buffet! She stops, I duck out of sight. She looks frightened. I hope she'll run, I like fast food. She doesn't. She keeps walking, but she looks more scared than normal. I catch up to her and am about to pounce, and she turns to face me. She can't see my face from beneath my mask, but I can tell that she's terrified. I take out my dagger from it's hilt in my belt, and slash her arms. Then she screams. Loud. "Geez, can't you be quiet for once in your short, useless life?" I snicker, grabbing my sewing needle. After she was silenced, I began harvesting the organs. Before I took her beating heart, I looked her dead in the eyes and said "well, looks like our fun is about to end. Have fun downstairs." Blood gushed from the empty space in her chest. Her eyes turned foggy. I smiled as I ate. If people made all the right decisions, I would starve to death...again. What an unpleasant thought. As I walk through the forest, after I burned and buried the hollow body, of course, I notice the sound of something following me. A second, quicker pair of footsteps were behind me. I sigh, and pull my mask back down. Really, can a killer not eat in peace? I take out my dagger once again, and turn around. Nothing. But I'm not entirely stupid, I know whoever it is will be in front of me the second I turn back around. I do exactly that, but prepare myself for the attack. Someone kicked me in the stomach. I fall back, grunting. Looking up, I sneer at what I saw: A boy, wearing a brown-ish hoodie, with a mouth-guard and goggles over his face. He held an axe, and had another one in his belt. "Who a-are you?" He asked, holding me down, but twitching slightly. I put my hands slightly up, in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, dude. Just eating lunch." I say, dropping my weapon and pointing to my bag full of organs. I took note that my mask muffled my voice a bit, making it sound more masculine, and that I could use that to my advantage, since my hood was also up, hiding my hair. He glanced over at the bag, and as he reached over to grab it, I took his foot that was holding me down, and threw him off balance. I got up and dusted myself off. He tried to get back up, but this time, I was the one to hold him down, and held my blade to his throat. His twitching became constant. I looked down at him in curiosity. 'He has a disease called Tourette syndrome. That's why he's twitching.' 'Is it curable?' 'I'm afraid not. ' I lift my mask. His eyes widen. "Who a-are y-you?" he managed to ask again. "I call myself Stitches. And how about you? You are the one who attacked me. I think I have the right to know the name of the one who wants to end my life, no?" "Uh, I'm Ticci-Toby." I smile. "Well, Toby, are you still going to try to kill me, or can I let you go now? I have to go home, or Rowan is going to get slightly worried." "Who's Rowan?" "That would be me. But call me Soul Snatcher." Said a familiar voice. I looked behind me, just as she hopped off a tree. She held her scythe in one hand, and a letter in the other. She looked at me and smiled. "I was going to help you, but it looked like you had it under control. But please tell me you're not going to eat him. I'm still not used to seeing organs in the fridge." She said, making a face. I looked over at the boy, making up my mind. "I think I'll pass. Toby, you should leave." I say, now taking my mask fully off. Rowan tucked her hair behind her ear. One look at our faces, and he took off. Amused, I turned to my sister. "What's in the letter?" Her smile fell. "It's...It's from Bellona."

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