Chapter 2

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As I got to know her more in the geography class, the more I started to like her. I used to go everyday to her class, just to look at her, and stare throughout the period. I was young, so I didn’t know what I was feeling, but from what I knew it was a good feeling. When I used to stare at her, my heart would beat fast, my insides would get giddy and it felt as if I was on top of the world. I got nervous very easily when she used to glance on me. Every moment she was the one on my mind.

One day, she was sitting alone in class doing her work. I walked towards her. Ms. Richardson looked at me and smiled. Then she spoke,

Ms. Richardson: “Hello, cutie. What can I do for you?”

Me: “Ma’am, I wanted to tell you something.”

Ms. Richardson: “Sure, go ahead.”

Me: “I, um, I like you miss.” I said. She then placed her hand on top of mine. I got more nervous and my whole body went cold. It was as if her touch sent sparks, which made me tingle.

Ms. Richardson: “I like you too, darling. You are very cute, you should know that.” She smiled showing her beautiful smile.

Me: “Thank you miss.” I said blushing. Then I ran to my seat.

That day was the best day of my life. Ms Richardson became my favorite teacher. Little did I know, she did not feel the same way I did?


The next day, I walked into the fashion class, taking my usual seat at the back. I was feeling fresh and happy today.

I waited for Mrs. Ross to arrive. As soon as the bell rang, I saw the door opened and she entered. She was looking as beautiful as ever wearing a white button up shirt and a dark blue pencil skirt with her black nerds. They highlighted her eyes making her prettier. She had a stack of papers, which we had given her yesterday. She placed it on top of her desk and spoke,

“Good Morning class, I have graded your assignments and most of you have done well. One of you has done exceptionally. I will call your names one by one, come and take it from me.”

She then took out a chair and sat behind the desk. She started calling the names, and girls and boys went to take their respective sheets. I was getting nervous in the meanwhile wondering how I have done. Then I heard my name being called at last. I descended down the stairs and walked towards her, keeping my head down. She must have seen my nervousness and spoke,

“Class, this is the exceptional girl who portrayed the mannequin with her mind-blowing creativity. She even scored the highest, 10/10.” Then she looked at me and spoke, “Rachel, you have done amazing. Just the way I wanted to see, so show me a smile, and keep up the good work.”

I could not help, but let a small smile overcome my motionless face. I spoke, “Thank you ma’am. I always thought my drawings were good. I will definitely not let you down.”

She then gave me that same charming smile she gave yesterday before I left, which made my cheeks heated. I then went back to my seat and looked at my paper. Below my grade, she had written a small note with a red ink. I looked at her to find out she was staring at me. After giving me a small smile she went back to carry on with her class.

I smiled on the inside and read the note. She had written,

“Rachel, you are a talented girl. I would like to have a word with you after class. And keep that pretty smile on your face, you look good.”

I got nervous and wondered what Mrs. Ross wanted to do with me. My thoughts were cut when the bell rang. Everyone started packing their bags and left. Now it was only me and her. She looked at me and motioned me to come and join her in front. I went and pulled a chair and sat in front of her. She then started to speak,

“Rachel, I would want a favor from you. The fashion lab in school is not in a proper condition. So will you like to arrange it and even decorate the walls, since you are very creative? I will be there with you. You just have to help me.”

I thought, since I did not have many classes, why not help her? But the thought of being alone with her in the lab, made me nervous all over. I could not think of her that way. She is my teacher. She probably will hate me, just as ‘she’ did. But when I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her, a smile was playing at the corner of her lips. I could not help but give in. I cleared my throat and spoke,

“Sure ma’am. I would love to help you and decorate the lab since most of my classes are free.”

“Good, I will see you in the third hour then. The lab is right next to my office.” She smiled.

“Okay ma’am, see you.” I said, and left her class.

‘God, what have I gotten myself into?’ I sighed.

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