Chapter 9

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When I pulled away from the hug, I went to sit down on the bench. Mrs. Ross followed me. She sat closer to me, but didn’t say anything. The silence said it all. After what seemed forever, she finally spoke,

“So, why do I always see you running away from me?”

I looked at her. Her face marked confusion, sadness and one that I couldn’t get my hold upon. I thought of her question, and she was waiting for my answer. She seemed so caring; I thought I could trust her. But then she would think of me as a freak that always had these weird thoughts of her teacher. The other day she had told me, she also had a crush on her college professor back at college, but was it a girl? Definitely not. But I guess she would understand it all.

After moments of hesitating, I gave in eventually. I told her everything from the very first day when I saw ‘her’, to the very last. I told her how I had fallen for my geography teacher, and how she didn’t approve of it. I also mentioned the talk where she told me it wasn’t right to love a teacher. And since then, how I was treated by my fellow classmates and everyone in the school. Then, I told her when Mrs. Ross arrived, the same feeling raised again. But this feeling couldn’t be compared to anything, as it was strong. How her single touch gave me chills down my spine, the hug she gave me, the glances that we had every time during her class which made my heart stop. And the kiss that was to be given on the cheek when I saw her crying, but it landed near the corner of her lips. But most of all I told her about the things that were going inside me could be wrong. How I had thought of her not approving it and leaving me. I told her every single detail. It seemed as if she was the only one I could trust upon. I found her as my teacher, friend, and a lover, so it was easy for me to blurt it all not caring for the latter fact that these words now said would eventually break my heart.

Mrs. Ross cleared her throat, and her eyes held wonder. She then spoke,

“Rachel, I think what you have experienced, the same thing already happened with me too. That day, when I told you about my professor, the story didn’t just end there.”

She smiled and then told me about her part. I learned that her crush was actually a woman. She told me how her family didn’t approve of her relationship, and she was forced to marry against her will. But she is now alone as her ex husband cheated and left her. I felt so sorry for her, it broke my heart. She had gone through the similar tragic moments. I hugged her. But instead hugging me back, she pulled away from it. I closed my eyes thinking of how she would not approve of it and take me back to the principal. I was waiting for her to scold me, when I was taken aback. I felt a warm pair of lips on mine, kissing me. At first I thought it was an imagination, and this cannot be true because of various reasons. I wasn’t pretty. I was her student, and I was a girl. So her kissing me was nearly impossible. But soon, I was snapped out of the thoughts, when I felt her pulling back very slowly. Only then I realized that my fantasy was true, and I started kissing her back. The kiss was pure, loving and passionate. During the kiss I felt sparks, butterflies erupted in my stomach and my knees could give in every time. The kiss gave me goose bumps all over. We broke apart to catch our breath. It was my first kiss, and it was breath taking. It just proved how badly I wanted her. How badly I needed her to love me. Since this kiss just changed our student-teacher relationship into more of an informal one which can also be considered as forbidden, I got scared.

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