Chapter 8

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Rachel's P.O.V

The next day I didn't see Mrs. Ross in my driveway. Maybe that kiss was too much for her. She is my teacher and I kissed her. Now nothing is going to happen between us anymore. She might ignore me and yet like always I would end up being alone. If only I hadn't run away from her yesterday, I would have known what she might had to say. I am sure like 'her' she would have flipped off and taken me to the head principal. It took me ten minutes to reach school and I was 2 minutes late. I walked to my class thinking as many possibilities I could have after I saw Mrs. Ross. She would definitely insult me in front of the whole class and their brutal treatment can only become worse. Or, she would wait till we would be alone and then scold. Either way I had to go to the principal's office. I walked in my lost thoughts till I reached. Mrs. Ross was already there. And the moment I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. I entered the class, but she didn't look at me. I thought this is it. She would never be mine. I had already anticipated the situation and my heart still got broken like always.

The whole period she never glanced at me. I did, but only when she was talking to some other girl. The way she was looking at her, as if she was so important, got me jealous. It wasn't anything. Still it felt as if she was giving her all attention to the class, but not to me, as if I didn't exist.

Sometimes I felt so lonely, that I felt like dying. I had no reason to live. I was alone and everyone I had loved left. I loved 'her' and she left. I love Mrs. Ross and she will even leave. Now that I wonder she is married. So that leaves no chance for me, even if I ever had. Everybody leaves.

As I thought about all this, I realized I had tears trickling down my face. Even if I wanted them to stop, they wouldn't. So, I got up from my seat and ran. I dodged my way through the class into the bathroom. I made sure; no one was there until I cried. When I got out after ten minutes, someone caught my eye. I stood motionless. My face paled. As if I just saw a ghost. It was 'her'. My first love. She was talking to Mrs. Ross. Then 'she' turned around, and our eyes met. I looked down. All those memories that I had let go, flooded my mind. The way 'she' looked then, the way 'she' was still the same. Tears again welled up in my eyes. I wasn't emotional at all, after 'she' left. But when Mrs. Ross came, my life changed. Was it bad or good? I still had to figure out. But seeing 'her' today after 5 long years, brought questions in my mind. Like, why did she come back? Did she not remember that I had once loved 'her'? I had so many questions in my mind, but instead I ran away. Both, from Mrs. Ross and 'her'.

I ran to my secret place. I cannot let this happen again. I had let go of 'her' years back but instead I still loved her. And now, I was left with confusions, that I had to sort it soon enough. But then, I heard a voice. From a distance, I heard my name being called. When I turned and looked back, I saw Mrs. Ross. I stood up and ran to her. She hugged me and I started crying as hard I could. Her hands were on my back consoling me and her soothing words coming from her, calmed me down instantly. Mrs. Ross was so sweet and her gentle nature towards me, made me hug her back, as tightly I could. Maybe I still had some hopes.

I think I wanted Mrs. Ross and only her.

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