Chapter 10

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We went back to school, only to take our belongings. Mrs. Ross insisted to give me a ride back home, but I managed to walk alone. Many thoughts crossed my mind. I was having mixed emotions on the inside. I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not. Instead I thought of our kiss that we shared earlier together. It was beyond words could explain. That night I went to my deep slumber, peacefully, with a big smile on my face. I dreamt of me and Mrs. Ross. We were away from this unearthly world, together.

The next day, I saw Mrs. Ross in my driveway. She was giving me the same charming smile of hers. I got into the passenger seat smiling. We then drove to the school. The whole ride she had her hands on my hand, and only let it go once we got into the school parking lot. She was so caring. I was happy. She was happy.

I entered the class with a huge grin on my face. I took my seat at the back. Then Mrs. Ross entered, looking as gorgeous as ever. She started her class teaching a new topic. The whole period I was staring at her. I wasn’t following any of the text words, but how her hands moved while she explained, and her lips that I found myself looking at, and wanting to kiss her badly again. Her eyes found mine, and I think I saw her blush. Damn, that made me blush too. She is so adorable. After she finished teaching, she gave us an assignment to do and then she went and sat behind her desk. While I was doing her assignment, I felt her eyes on me. I looked at her, and she looked away. She was making it hard for me to actually finish my assignment. I was saved by the ringing of the bell. Mrs. Ross then spoke,

“Okay class, you can complete these assignments and bring in on Monday. And Rachel, stay back after class. I would want to have a word with you. Have a lovely weekend.”

The class soon got empty, and I walked towards Mrs. Ross. I knew why she stopped me after class. I would have stayed too, even if she didn’t ask me to. But whenever I thought of us alone, the same nervousness came back. I know her since a week now, but it still feels more than a lifetime. I stood in front of Mrs. Ross and she went to close the door. She came back, and pulled me into that same kiss which sent butterflies in my stomach and nervousness all over. It still felt like my first kiss. Snapping away from them, I kissed her gently. She pulled me towards her, wrapping her arms on my waist, leaving no gap between us, without breaking away from the kiss. I then brought my hands around her neck, instead they went around her hair wrapped up in a mess. The kiss was broken apart, when we heard the classroom door being opened making a loud noise. I then saw ‘her’ standing in the doorway, with a look of disgust on the face. ‘She’ came inside and stood there in silence. Mrs. Ross was about to speak, when Mrs. Dawson pulled away Mrs. Ross abruptly. 'She' held her hand, and took Mrs. Ross along with 'her'. ‘She’ was dragging her down the hallway to the outside. I then saw Mrs. Ross mumbling something. I saw her lips moving and it seemed as if she was mouthing a sorry.

I got a weird feeling that this was the last time I was going to see her. I took in her every detail and stored it in my memory. I wanted to run and pull her away from Mrs. Dawson. And kiss her very badly. As if she was the only person I was ever born to kiss. But my legs gave away. Even if I wanted her for myself, I knew I couldn’t have her. I collapsed in the hallway itself. Tears streamed down my face and a series of waterfall made it down to the floor. I was lying there motionless, drowned in my forbidden thoughts, until I blacked out.

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