Chapter 6

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The next day Mrs. Ross was again in my driveway. I don’t know why she has to be so sweet and caring that makes me hard to tell her about my growing feelings for her. It’s becoming hard for me to keep it all inside. I was deep in my thoughts when I noticed from the corner of my eye Mrs. Ross’s eyes at me. But when I looked at her she turned it away facing the road. Maybe she was stealing glances at me. I kept thinking was I even worth it. We arrived at school and I made my way to my class. Mrs. Ross followed. I sat down at the back, and took out my assignment that has to be submitted. All of us placed it on her desk and then Mrs. Ross spoke,

“Morning class, you can all take out your books and study on your own. I will be grading up these assignments and give it back before the class gets over.”

While I leaned back on the chair and focused to read, I couldn’t really concentrate. I glanced at Mrs. Ross and she was looking at me. She gave me a smile and went back to her grading. The rest of the time, we both spent stealing glances at each other. It was as if only me and her in class. We didn’t really bother of anyone in our surroundings. Before the bell was about to ring Mrs. Ross handed back our assignments and started speaking,

“Okay class, all of you have done well. I would like to talk to Ms Dawson after class. Good day.”

I wondered why she wanted me to stay back. Didn’t I manage to write my answers well? I slowly made my way towards her being nervous and my palms were all sweaty. I rubbed my hands on my jeans and stood in front of her. Her nerds were as usual highlighting her beautiful eyes and her lips were so red and inviting. Oh god. I slapped myself in my head. There she is waiting to scold me and I am having these dirty thoughts about her. If only I wondered it would be true. If only I wasn’t forbidden from it. I saw Mrs. Ross looking at me as if she could read my thoughts. But she was standing now and her head was tilted that made her look adorable. She then spoke,

“Rachel, you have an amazing vocabulary and your writing skills are that of a professional. They way you have written your answers, I must say you are an all rounder.”

“Thank you ma’am. I am a writer so it all comes automatically. But I still need to work on them.”

“I am sure you do. Can you meet me near my car when the school gets over? It’s important.”

I was confused but I nodded my head and left for the library. I spent my rest of the time drawing. I found a book where there were ancient models dressed in authentic gowns, and I started doodling them. It was soon for the school to be over. I packed my backpack and hung it on my shoulder while walking towards her car. Not before the bell rang and I saw Mrs. Ross coming towards me. Her hands were full with some thick books maybe from the lab. I managed to take some of them from her and she gladly handed them to me. We placed her bag and those books on the backseat and she told me to get inside her car. I sat and she started the car. I wondered what was so important that she wanted to tell me about. Not so soon we were in front of the pond where I used to sit and think about ‘her’. I got out confused and she made her way to my secret place. The place where I hadn’t been since last 5 years. I couldn’t go there after all that had happened. The place only reminded me of ‘her’. She took her seat right on that same bench I used to sit. The memories were still fresh. We sat in silence as the cool air breezed us. It was comforting, and finally she spoke,

“You know Rachel, I used to come here during my college days. This is where I had made some important decisions in life. It was my favorite place back then. I used to have a crush on one of my college professors. But I think some things are not meant to be. Some things are meant to be forbidden.”

I looked at her. Her face seemed as if there were deep emotions she had been hiding behind her smile. I could relate myself to her. The story that she just told was so similar to mine, but my story had some wrongs. And I could have done the very same mistake, with her, if I didn’t manage to stop myself. I scooted close to her. I couldn’t see her eyes as her hair was in front of them due to the breeze. I brought my hands forward and tucked them behind her ear.  What I then saw instantly made me fall for her. There were some water droplets on her cheeks that were falling down her face. Then it made sense. She had been crying. I didn’t know what made me do so, but I placed a kiss there, but Mrs. Ross slightly tilted her head, which made me kiss right next to the corner of her lips. It was all so sudden. After I realized what I had done, I backed away from her and ran towards my house. I heard Mrs. Ross call out my name, but I couldn’t make myself stop.

“Shit! I almost kissed Mrs. Ross. What a fool I am?” I thought.

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