First Chronicles: Vurletriell's Tale part 2

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With Abendraos sealed away, we believe there was no danger to face, under the protection of the guardians, and we serving as there overseers, My Father's Creations the Wokell , flourish, small settlements they called villages, began to emerge.

Generations exceeding generations they grew, as thanks they constructed shrines, with our physical bodies bard , we chose to commune with the Wokell through these shrines, and offer our guidance.

Life was a true bliss upon these world; that is until that fateful day. A disease began to spread upon the land infecting all who came in contact with it. Corrupting their once peaceful nature, to that of a dark one.

The infected began to use their powers to kill without reason, many of their brothers fell to their wrath, till their outward appearance, began to resemble one I remember all to well.

Abendraos was sealed away, but it's power still tormented these worlds. The Datarr ( The Titans) time had come, with their purpose at hand they Vanquish hundreds of the infected. It was an endless cycle.

For each infected they slayed. The disease would only spread to another, infecting even more in its wake. There was no sure way of destroying this evil. Instead we ordered The Datarr to contain the infected within the construct of their bodies. Sealing away the the disease for all time, and it work. Peace returned to these world, the evil that plagued them, was no longer free to Rome the land.

Time pass and civilization grew once more. The disease became but a distant memory. The Wokell themselves became distant as well, no longer were we sought for guidance. Instead they saw The Datarr as their true protectors, and revered them as deities.

The Wokell offered tributes, building monuments to their chosen deities. The Datarr quickly became aware of this, and began to ignoring our commands.

Drunk with power, The Datarr (The Titans ) no longer held true , to in which they were created, they began to enslaved The Wokell, demanding more tributes , of riches , food and sacrifice, those that refused were consumed by The Datarr (The Titans).

All were at the mercy of The Datarr (The Titans), but their actions was not of their choosing, we could see, that by having the disease contained with in, they to became corrupted, we watch as they became , that in which they were meant to fight.

A handful of The Wokell still saw us as their protectors, one such one was Scaldor , the bravest of them all and a scholar among his people, Scaldor begged us to liberate them from this evil, that was now upon them, but with no physical body to stand upon , we could not combat The Datarr (The Titans), nor could we , The Great Creator's word was law, we were forbidden to take up arms ever again.

But without our aid certain victory, would be beyond their reach, for The Datarr (The Titans) powers grew with each pass day.

We granted their request , in the only way we could.

Scaldor and a selected few were bestowed our power , combined with their own , they became far more powerful , than we could ever imagine.

The scale was balance, we could do no more for them, but pray The Great Creator will watch over them.

Scaldor and The chosen few , descended upon The Datarr (The Titans) , with all their might , they held no fair of death, only determination burn within.

Their task was no easy one, we informed the Wokell, , if The Datarr (The Titans) were to die, then the land will once again be plagued, with the disease, that infected their people, so long ago.

Only one option was left to them,The Datarr (The Titans) must be sealed away as well, how in which they accomplish this , we could not say, but we had faith they could accomplish this task.

The Wokell and The Datarr (The Titans) battle was fierce, bringing devastation upon the Land , looking on our hearts was filled with grief, this was not what The Great Creator Invision for his creations, we could not help but feel we had failed him.

Ortos ( The Sun ) light crept upon the land, the battle raged on, news of Scaldor and The chosen few resolve spread far and wide , inspiring their people to come to their aid, tipping the scale in their favor.

Out numbered ,The Datarr (The Titans), quickly fell, they were Sealed away, in the only place The Wokell could think of , the ground in which they stood upon.

One by one The Datarr (The Titans) fell, till only one was left, The strongest of them all, we knew him as Vamindrus, your mythology know him as Kronos.

Vamindrus (Kronos) was mighty , he would not yield, even after all of his kind were sealed, he continued to fight , in a desperate attempt to claim victory, he began to consume the chosen few , gathered more power within him.

All of the chosen few were consumed, all but Scaldor and his older brother Datem his younger brother Yatt .

With the others trap within the confines of Vamindrus (Kronos), the brothers saw, if they were to claim victory, they had to free their people.

They covered themselves with their power, and allowed Vamindrus (Kronos), to consumed them, it was a dangerous plan, but with no other option, the choice was clear.

We and the other Wokell look on, for a moment all hope seemed lost, till Vamindrus (Kronos) let out a terrifying cry, that could be heard across the three world's.

Scrapping and tearing , Vamindrus ( Kronos) clawed away at his insides desperately trying to get out the cause of his pain, soon hundreds of Wokell began to emerge from his mouth.

Scaldor and his brothers had accomplish their task, they had freed the other chosen few and their people, by liberating them Vamindrus ( Kronos) became weak , giving The Wokell the chance they needed.

Their foe was defenseless, Scaldor and The Wokell gathered their strength, to finish the battle once and for all, but even in his weaken state, Vamindrus ( Kronos) would not submit.

But Scaldor and The other chosen few, gave no surrender as well, and arose the earth beneath him, infusing it upon his body, till he became a massive mountain.

With Vamindrus (Kronos) trap within, they seal him, by binding it with all their power.

The battle was won, The Datarr (The Titans) was no more, Scaldor and The chosen few had freed their people, after years of being oppressed by The Datarr (The Titans), The Wokell were free , the future look bright.

With The Datarr (The Titans) gone, The Wokell needed new protectors, Scaldor, Datem, Yatt and other chosen few, were the only ones capable, of such a task.

We gave acknowledgement, and proclaim them as the new Guardians, once again we took our place as overseers, guiding the Wokell to the future.

Author's Note :

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