First Chronicles : Vurletriell's Tale Part 3

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So your back , which mean you seek to hear the rest of my tale, what a peculiar creation you are, in any case , I will keep you waiting no longer.

7 years had passed , in that time, what should of been a time of freedom and jubilation, was for not, The Datarr ( The Titans) tyranny faded from memory, only to be replaced by a far greater evil.

Those that were liberated from Vamindrus (Kronos), sought not the peaceful lives as their fellow Wokell , bonds between family, Friend and love one were broken.

These Wokell had fallen victim to the disease , but unlike the ones before them , their minds were their own , the disease fill there hearts with hate and fear , govern by this they believed only the strong will survive and the weak should perish , they were not the only ones affected.

Scaldor and The Chosen few, did not take up the mantle in which they were given, instead they chose to, follow the path of their predecessors, declaring themselves as Gods, and gathered followers by the hundreds.

Those that followed them , were granted there protection and given a place within their self proclaimed kingdoms they have created, those who did not, were ridicule and treated as outcast.

Wasn't long before these Wokell began to rebel, their numbers were small at first, but from a little voice, their numbers grew to the extent of a massive army .

Yet again War was brought upon these worlds , Father against Father , Mother against Mother, Sister against Sister, Brother against Brother, a vicious and bloody cycle that seemed to be the fate of the Wokell.

But this war was over, as quickly as it began , they were no match for Scaldor and The choose few, their power were too great for the rebels.

Infected by the disease and blinded by power, the leaders of the rebellious Wokell, were made public examples, to subjugated the others to their will, Broken and defeated , the rebellious Wokell could do nothing but obey .

Believing the Wokell would turn to us once more, Scaldor and The choose few , destroyed our shrines , cutting off our connection to the Wokell .

Once more we were left to watch , as The Great Creator's creation were tormented by Abendraos's evil, it seemed as if each decision we made, only brought even more devastation upon them.

5 years had since that act of open rebellion occurred, all hope seemed lost , this is what The Wokell believed, all but one Arell , a young and courageous Wokell , his will and heart was far greater than any other , even after his father was executed before his eyes, he held firm to his belief, of a day his people would be Unified again.

Drawing from his faith , hope began to spread amongst The Wokell, far and wide across these worlds, giving them the will to fight once more, were there was one, now stood over 50,000 Wokell, who now chose to believe, no more would they bend to these self proclaimed Gods.

But the truth was clear to them as their own name, as they are , if they were to face Scaldor and the other chosen few, it would only be a repeat of 5 years ago, so they sought out our old Shrines, in hopes we would grant them aid, as we did for Scaldor.

For six months Arell and his followers , work tirelessly reconstructing our shrines.
once completed we could once again commune with the Wokell , but We gave no a response. my fellow High Archangels and I, felt that if we were to give aid, it would do more harm than good.

Their hopes began to fade, when we did not answer their call. days turned to weeks, weeks to months, yet we didn't answer. soon enough there were no more voices to be heard, all but one!. It was Arell, his voice reigned from the first light to the last, without food without water, he called upon us.

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