First Chronicle : Vurletriell's Tale Part 4

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You're here; I had wondered if you would return, and so you have. Which means the prophesied has come to pass. We were told one such as you would come to bear the weight of our tales, and they will come to be known as The listener; your return proves you're the one we seek. Alas, it also marks the end of our journey as do all things that have a beginning. Well, then listener its time to begin.

The time had arrived for lines to be drawn, worlds to be divided. Those that followed Scaldor and The Chosen Few, stood at their sides. The ones that believed in freedom, stood with us.

For ten long years, we fought Scaldor and The Chosen few to free the Wokell from their grasp. It was a war in order to make Arell's dream a reality. We fought to liberate his people, from the ones that were once their own.

Our battles were immense, their power came close to rivaling our own. It was not a battle, that could be won easily.

Once more The Creator's creations were met with destruction, our war brought upon the death of many Angels and Wokell alike, I had believed, our war would never come to an end, but by the grace of The Great Creator, it did.

With their numbers dwindled, Scaldor and The Chosen few were defeated, driven away to the far corners of each world.

Oh how the Wokell rejoice, for them it meant, they were free and could begin to rebuild their lives, and so they did, picking up the pieces of a broken race, they moved forward.

For me it would mean, Arell's dream begin to flourish, but I couldn't feel, a full victory was won, for Scaldor and The Chosen few were still out there.

Two years had passed since our war ended, life was renewed, the Wokell came to believe, there would be no more danger to face, we knew otherwise, they were still out there, waiting planning growing, we knew Scaldor would return, we just didn't know when.

Time continued on, with no sign of the enemy, my brothers and sisters long for home, and felt the time was now, we told The Wokell, of our plans for home, and promise to return, if need be.

Like frightened children, they urged us to stay, and began to shower us with gifts, regarding us now as deities, we would not have it, informing them there was only one deserves who their devotion.

With all in readiness, we seal our vessels, till the time of our return, leaving behind a now free race, and headed for home.

When we arrived, we didn't know, should of sense it. because of we in mortal bodies the first of his creations, but we could not of his return.

I was overjoyed, how I have long to behold his greatness once again, we flock to his side, like children awaiting their parents, after a long time apart, our reunion was not the one I of would expect, as the first I knew very well, it would be a possibility.

The Great Creator knew all that happened, and was filled with many emotions, he saddened by all the death and destruction that had fallen upon his creations.

He was happy, to see that life was good and new ones had room to grow, there was one other, I wish I had not brought upon my creator, not for me, but for the others.

The Great Creator was furious, angered on the path we had taken, we had disobeyed his command, by taking up our swords, when we were forbidden to do so.

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