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Shownu Pov

The buildings the city everything was covered in snow. I could see tears coming out of the others' faces. "W-what are we going to do now hyung" Minhyuk asked me but I really didn't know what to answer. I really didn't, I felt completely useless everyone was freaking out and I couldn't help them. Kihyun hugged my arm tightly and he was crying loudly "We are going to die, I don't want to die please tell me this is a dream, what are we going to do?" his breath was becoming irregular. I took him in my embrace "Don't be afraid, we have to stay calm ALL OF US" I said as strong as I could.

"I don't think you get it hyung, we are in the middle of an ice age we have little supplies and we are going to freeze to death" Jooheon said with an annoyed expression.

I looked at Mirae she had hugged I.M and she tried to calm him down while he was blubbering. She seemed like she was freaking out as well, I wanted to protect her, all of them.

Wonho's Pov:

I was to busy crying to even notice Hyungwon giving me a back hug, the younger was crying as well. He had a hard time while his own brother died in front of him. His leg was still in pain and he couldn't walk without hurting. After a while Minhyuk joined our hug, the guy was on the verge of having a mental breakdown he is always really talkative but now he seems so scared and small.

"Wonho come with me we are going to the attic to get more clothings..... we are going to need them" without saying anything I followed him. The door of the attic had froze so we had to push a lot until it opened. We took all the clothings that were in their everything was needed. While we were collecting the clothes I felt really awkward around Shownu, I always felt awkward around him, he is always considerate about me while the only thing I do is to get in trouble and be useless.

"Hyung I am sorry" I cried out. "I am sorry for causing trouble all the time and not helping at all you always tried your best to make me a better person and I never listen and now we are going to die and... and I am sorry" I was so scared, I felt like my life was coming to an end. I had my eyes closed tightly while my tears were endless. I felt Shownu pulling me into a hug "Wonho calm down everything is going..." "NO NOTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY OUR PARENTS ARE DEAD AND WE ARE GOING TO DIE AS WELL" I cut him in the middle of his sentence. "Wonho listen to me" he weeped away my tears "We will be fine and you are not useless and I am proud of you..... remember that Hyungwon wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your stubbornness" I can't understand how can he sound so calm in a time like this but he surely made me feel better.

"Now let's go downstairs the others will get worried" he smiled and took my hand leading me to the classroom.

Everyone was sitting near the fire. They were hugging each other thus they could get warm. We have them some of the coats and then we sat next to them.

Mirae Pov:

I had Changkyun in my hug, he had spread so much tears and now he fell asleep. "I am sorry Changkyun you are not a bad kid, you are my family and I will always love you, I want you to know this if...." I whispered to his ear and kissed his cheek. A tear fell of my eye on his chubby cheek, I don't want him to be afraid the last time he cried so much was at our parents funeral. He was scared and he was crying the whole time while I was trying to be strong for him.

Shownu approached me and put a jacket around my shoulder and one coat on my sleeping brother's chest. "That will keep you warm for now" he said and next to me. I put my head on his shoulder "Shownu will you promise me something?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure go ahead" he answered calmly. "If something happens to me will you take care of him" I said looking at Changkyun. "Please take care of all of them, you guys are my only family now and I want you safe even if I..." I cried and he hugged me tightly "Don't say such things please be positive" "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN AND PROMISE ME" I looked at him in the eyes, he looked surprised to see me crying.

"I..I promise" he said and put his head on the top of mine and closed his eyes tight. "Thank you, you are precious" I kissed his cheek and blushed. His eyes were starting to tear up, now I was the one who was surprised, I had never seen Shownu crying during all this years. He held my hand tightly "Shownu I am sorry" I felt regretful for making him feel like this.

"It's not you, it's just hard" hard? I can't believe Shownu just said that, he is always positive about everything even when the swimming team was losing 0-5 he still had hope, if Shownu had lost hope should we all lose it as well?

For the rest of the night felt awkward talking to him so I just stayed silent. I just lied on his shoulder his hand was holding mine and we were looking at the fire it was so beautiful. I didn't even realized falling asleep in his embrace....

To be continued.....

Hello guys, hope you liked the new chapter, please comment your opinions and vote cause it helps me. Also let's all appreciate our boys who got their 1st win yesterday, they are all so precious let's keep loving them forever❤️❤️❤️
Admin: teddy bear 🐻

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