Chapter 3: You Got Pants On?

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Brea POV

I walked downstairs to find a shaking blanket hill on the couch. I giggled and poked the hill, which flinched at my touch.



" u have pants on...?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I do" I giggled.

Sans pops out from under the blanket. He doesn't have his hoodie on for once and he's kinda...cute...god...Brea! Don't think like that! Fuck! I've known each other for a day! U can't be in love with a skeleton u bearly  know!...can u?

Sans POV

I'm relieved that she has pants on finally. I saw paps out of the corner of my eye smirking. I glared at him. I heard him chuckle before walking over.

"Good morning Brea! Good morning sans! How are you guys this morning?"

"I'm fine." Brea says

"I'm good." I groan. Brea sounds...down ... I'll ask her about it after a while,along with the date, and about the snuggling.

(Sorry if I'm switching POV's so often, but I'll do that sometimes!)

Time Skip - 2 Hours Later

Brea POV

I was sitting in the spare bedroom on the bed when I heard a knock at the door. I kept reading my book but said "Come in!"

"That's not how it goes. Your supposed to say, 'who's there?'."

I giggled. "Oh, I'm sorry sans. I didn't know it was supposed to be one of your jokes."

"Nah, it's fine. Anywho...can I sit?"

"Sure! That's fine"

Sans walks over and gently sets himself next to me on the bed. He scoots himself about a foot away from me and crosses his legs opposite of mine. I kept reading my book while he fiddled with his filangies (filangy is a fancy word for finger Incase u didn't know!).

Sans POV

It was silent. Not an awkward silence, but a...peaceful kind of silence. I found myself starring at brea's legs. More specifically, at her...thighs... those thick...lucious thighs of hers...I don't know what I was thinking but I wanted to feel them...touch bad. I scooted a little closer, but Brea didn't notice. I was really close to her, my arm was pretty much touching hers. I looked at the door, then without realizing it, started moving my hand to her thigh. I inched my boney fingers closer and closer until my hand was laying of top of her thigh. I looked at Brea, who looked a little uncomfortable, but kept reading her book. I began to massage her leg. It was so muscley. I felt it tense, and un-tense every now and again. I heard her whimper a time or two during this. I soon realized what I was doing and moved to the edge of the bed to subside the temtaition of continuing my action. My face was as blue as dory. Maybe even bluer, if possible.

"I'm" I muttered.

Brea startled a little at my voice.


"...I don't know what I was thinking when doing that..."

"'s...i-its f-f-fine...I've dreamt of someone doing that to me...but I never imagined it would feel like that..."

"Still I'm very sorry...I'll leave if yo-"

"No! *clears throat*'s fine...I'd like you to stay...if you want"

"Ok...sounds good..."

Brea pats the spot I was originally sitting in and I move back to my former postition, except my hands were in my lap this time.

We were watching a movie a little while after she got done with a certain chapter in her book. The movie was called P.S. I Love You. I'm not one for sulky movies but ig I can watch it for the kiddo.

Brea POV

I loved love stories. I was laying my head in sans' shoulder and he seemed kinda uncomfortable. I hope he didn't mine me being there. The people on the t.v. Were currently making out so that may have been the cause of his tension. I soon fell asleep.

Brea's Dream

"It's a beautiful day outside...birds are are blooming..."

"Please don't...I never wanted ya of this! Please understand sans!"

".......on days like like you........"


"Should Be Burning In HELL"

Sans POV

Brea was shaking and sobbing and I didn't really know what to do...I tried waking her up but it didn't work. I shook her and rattled her, she began to talk so I stopped and listened.


She sounded so drained. So...helpless.

"N-no...we can still have a happy ending! Just let me...let me reset!"

Oh can't remember! could she anyway....

This is a past timeline...she knows what gonna happen later if she doesn't change something now...

"Kid...kid you need to wake up...kid...kid!"

"No! P-pl...s-sans?"

"Yeah...I'm here...without my gasters...."

She looked at me confuzzled for a moment...then she hugged me tighter than I've ever been hugged before.

"How do you...know about the gasters?"

"Kid, I remember every past timeline...well, most of them. I remember the genocide and the pacifist runs you've made...but they've all ended up in that same hall..." I said

"I'm so sorry you have to bear all those memories sans...I...I'm sorry you had to see me like this...I should go..."

"No please's better if you stay." I sighed.

"Ok..." she said hesitantly


Hey guys! Brea here! Just wanted to say wow! Never expected sans to get handsy with me! Any who! Thx for all the support! I've tagged some of my supporters down below! Go read there stories and spam there inbox with really nice messages! Thx!

Word count: 888



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