Far Worse

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     Me and Vic was walking in silence until I spoke up. "Do you think he would actually cheat on me Victor?" He stopped causing me to stop also, he turned and faced me. "Kelsey,  Henry looks at you with stars in his eyes. I've never seen him look at anyone like that. When he talks about you, he smiles constantly. He's an asshole for sure, but I don't think he'd cheat on you." I looked at him and smiled and he gave me a small smile back.
       We continued to walk and we walked past Beverly's house. Just out of curiosity I walked up and knocked on her door, Vic stood out of sight in case her dad was home. She opened the door, pale as a ghost. "You don't look so good." I said worriedly. "It's a stomach bug. I've been throwing up all damn day." She said almost in a whisper. "I'm sorry Bev. I didn't mean to be a bother, just wanted to check up on you." I said. "It's alright, I'll be good as new tomorrow." She said with a light smile. "I'm going to go and let you rest." I said with a small smile. She nodded and gave me a small wave, I gave one back and she closed the door quietly. I walked back back to Vic, "Next stop, Henry's." I said with a relieved smile.

     We walked up to Henry's front door and I knocked on it lightly. His dad wasn't home so I assumed he was here by himself. A few minutes after I knocked, the door opened. Henry stood there with his head down, not even looking to see who was there. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked worried. He looked up, sadness in his eyes but still a slight smile on his face. He looked awful, various markings on his face. "Did your dad do this?" I asked calmly. He nodded his head slowly. "What happened to you?" He said in a raspy voice, like he had been crying. "Me and Greta, but I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you." I said as tears started forming in my eyes. "I'm fine babygirl, I'm used to this." He said almost whispering the last part. I stood there for a minute thinking. "Babe?" I said causing him to look up me. "Yeah?" He said. "Grab some clothes, you're coming home with me for a couple of night's." I said with a small smile. "What about your brother?" He asked. "I'll deal with him later, now go get some clothes." I said giving him a kiss. He nodded and walked up to his room.

    "Are you going to ask him about the whole Beverly thing?" Victor said catching my attention. "I will, but not right now. I don't want to put him in no more pressure than he's already in." I said. "If he asked you what the fight was over between me and Greta, just say you don't know. Please Vic." I said looking at him. "I won't say a word Kel's." He said smiling slightly. "All ready." Henry said smiling walking out the door with a bag in his hand. "Let's get you out of here babe." I said walking up to him and intertwining our hands together. He smiled and we all 3 walked back to my place.

      "I'm going to head back to house guys, I'll catch you 2 later." Vic said as we reached my house. "Alright." Both me and Henry said in sync. I opened the door and we both walked in. Henry put his bag down in my room and then followed me to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see my lip busted and a black eye forming along with my hand swelling. I looked at Henry, he had a cut above his left eye brow, a gash on his nose, and other cuts along his face. "That's not all." Henry said snapping me back from my gaze. He turned around, pulling his shirt off. I covered my mouth at this, he had belt whelps all over his back. "This is worse than what I imagined." I said trying to not to cry. He grabbed a rag wetting it and ringing it out. "I'm assuming this was over me." He said lightly dabbing the rag on my lip, changing the subject. "Kind of, but I don't want to talk about it right now." I said slowly and he nodded as he wiped the remaining blood off my face.

    We put our PJs on and were now laying on my bed. His arms wrapped around me and I rested my head on his chest. Being in his arms made home feel like home again. Hearing his heart beat made me feel whole. He's broken boy with a weak soul. He can't help his actions at times, but I still love him. I always will...

A/n: Hey guy's, I hope this chapter makes sense. Kind of sad and a lot of walking, I know. Next chapter will be something new with more action, I promise. Sorry for any missed errors, love you guys!! 💕

Thank you for over 500 hundred reads, and for everyone that's came this far with me!!

Next chapter should be up by Sunday guys.

Word Count:890


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