V. Treasured Bow

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Even after you'd tried your best to calm Bessie down and seat Sam's friends at a table with warm tea, Bessie looked like she'd seen a ghost and all of them looked devoid of energy and exhausted. You grimaced.

"Tell us everything," you instructed Sam's friends.

While they were explaining their story pitifully, you caught on to their names: George, Henry, Paul and Luke.

"Okay," Paul began. "We were going into the forest, and we were doing just fine,"

"Yes, and even found a whole clove of cocoa trees!" Luke blurted in delight.

"Shut up you fool," Paul hissed. "it's not 'clove', it's - "

"Oh, who cares what the correct term is!" you snapped. "Continue."

"Okay, okay," Paul mumbled. "Then we heard something weird. Like a wild animal or something rustling, but it was gone as soon as we heard it. George wanted to go check it out, but Luke said it was fine. Sam the whole time, was just acting like this was a safe, fun little expedition and said we were taking it too seriously. But it might have been because of the cocoa that we'd collected so far,"

"So, as we settling down for the night, campfires, tents, grilling, you know the works," Henry continued. "we heard this horrible howling, and it wasn't just one either, it was a whole pack howling. I mean, by that time you gotta be at least a teensy bit scared or worried, and George wanted to take them on and kill them before they could cause trouble. Paul even agreed to it. But Sam said that if we didn't disturb the wolves, they wouldn't disturb us either. But George didn't feel safe and he said he'd scout ahead a little and check it out. Paul wanted to follow, but he didn't in the end."

"And what did you think happened? The goddamn wolves started attacking us! So much for what Sam said!" Luke snapped.

"Actually, that was my fault, I think I misfired, and although I didn't hit them it probably startled them," George admitted regretfully.

"Oh well," Paul replied. "you're not the only one I suppose. I misfired too, but I wanted to scare them away, not hit one of them."

Everybody was looking at each other now. You fidgeted uncomfortably. Bessie looked shocked.

"So uh, you got attacked by wolves. What happened to Sam?"

They all cast down reproachful glances, and you knew something was wrong.

"You left Sam with those stupid wolves?!?" you shrieked at them. "You were selfish enough to think only about your safety, but your dear friend overlooked his own life so you could get away! And what do you morons do? You blindly desert him with a pack of cannibals waiting his goddamn death! Some friends you are!"

"That's enough, dear," Bessie murmured shakily. "We'll contact the King's guards and hope that Sam will return soon. It's not their fault - "

"Oh yes it is!" you snapped. "Forget those useless guards; it'll take them hours before they can attend to us. You - " you pointed accusingly to the four of them. "You four are gonna make yourselves useful and point the route to where you last saw Sam. We're going to find him even if those damned wolves tear us to pieces."

Bessie tensed. "[y/n], please, you don't have to. I don't want you endangering your life when you still have so much more of it ahead of you. Sam and I are old and lame; death is inevitable. Don't trouble yourself for the pair of us." Tears welled up in her eyes.

You softened. "You and Sam have treated me well, too well. I have to repay you somehow, and I shall. Thank you for all the kindness, generosity and care you have given me this few weeks."

"But dear, you don't know how to defend yourself! If the four of them can't defeat the wolves, how can you?" Bessie argued gently.

"A few days ago, I made a terrible mistake, but I suppose this is the time I come clean; perhaps it may be of use for rescuing Sam." You took a deep breath. "Bessie, I know it is wrong of me to ask, but if I may use the bow and arrows in the study upstairs for this particular situation, I will guarantee the safety of your husband, Sam." You bowed low. "Please give me this chance!"

Bessie looked taken aback. However, a smile slowly spread across her face, and a single tear fell. "You may use the weapon." she nodded. "It is a family treasure, but I will obligingly hand it over to your hands to ensure Sam's safety. Thank you, my dear," she whispered, the tears trickling down her rosy cheeks.

Paul, Henry, Luke and George looked rather uneasy at this point, but Paul and George promised to help point out their last sighting of Sam.


Ten minutes later, you were dressed in a white blouse, red and black bodice and combat skirt, complete with belt, leather straps and combat black boots with red soles. And a billowing red cape to match your outfit.

This picture belongs to the original artist

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This picture belongs to the original artist. It is used for viewing purposes only, and to give readers an idea of what their outfit is like, although readers' own imagination is encouraged. (This is a picture of the character Ruby Rose from RWBY, feel free to check it out too! [easily accessible from Youtube] [all credits go to Rooster Teeth])

You retrieved the bow and quiver of arrows with Bessie's permission. Both seemed perfect under your touch, and you thanked Bessie fervently. Slipping it on, you instructed Paul and George to lead you to Sam. They didn't hesitate.

Moving towards the direction of the forest and trying not to get lost in the forest, you recalled the little bits and scraps of information that you read from Miley's scout handbook when you paid a visit to her house, and marked crosses on trees to mark your way in the forest. Paul and Sam glanced at you curiously, then continued walking, navigating their way by touching and feeling trees. It was odd, but if they knew what they were doing and this method proved successful in tracking Sam, you didn't mind in the least.

After several minutes of trekking steadily in the forest, Paul leaned over and whispered in your ear, "Careful: this part of the forest onward will be much more dangerous. Wolves roam these parts fiercely. We'll do our best to lead you to Sam, but we cannot guarantee your safety." Upon hearing this, you gritted you teeth and nodded to Paul bravely. You continued.

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