Untitled Part 13

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You woke up, confused and disconcerted in an unfamiliar place. "Bessie?" you called out weakly.

You stumbled in the darkness for several moments before managing to light a candle, while breathing a sigh of relief. 

Then it hit you again - you were in the Heroic Forces' training compound, far far away from home (not that you could remember really what your old home looked like - you'd spent far too much time in this era living out this story where everything back home - from the first moment you touched that pocket watch - seemed like a dream), and you were resting from the day's excitement and packing. You wondered what the time was right now. The curtains were made of dull dark material, and when you pulled them open most of your view was blocked by a tree, which made that window a pretty dumb and inconvenient one. 

You recalled placing your pocket watch - well, the one you found on the road before you came here - in your coat pocket, so you stalked across the room to find it. 

The time read 3:50 in the morning. 

Exasperated, you sauntered back to your bed to keep sleeping, but you didn't want to blow out the candle. Even so, as your head hit the bed, you felt energetic and awake already, and there was no way that you could sleep. 

Plus, there was something inside you that made you keep sparking with excitement. You assumed that it was probably because today was your first day of training, but it quickly appeared to be much more than that. 

That feeling almost seemed to be screaming at you to get out of bed this instant.

The rational part of you would've kept sleeping to preserve much-needed energy for your draining day later on, but the wilder part of you won over and got you out of bed, washed and dressed. 

It almost seemed like your body was anticipating something much more than you did. 

So, eager now to see what it was that you were willing to get up at 4 in the morning for, you skipped along the corridors without thinking. 

It wasn't until you stopped a few meters in front of the bakery-confectionery you realized two things. 

One, you were now confusedly and hopelessly lost in a daze of turned corridors and corners, and you had absolutely no idea how to return back now, though you did have enough sense to keep your keys around you and lock your dorm. Two, you had spotted a dark, tall figure arriving at the bakery-confectionery too. 

Stepping closer to the shop, you realized that it had probably just opened - the lights flickering on brightly, the overpoweringly delicious sweet smell flowing from the freshly baked goods and sweets to your tempted nose. 

As you pushed the still opened door from the previous customer, the smell became stronger. You forgot completely about your dilemma. 

And you spotted Diarmuid. 

"Morning, [y/n]!" he called out cheerfully, holding a paper bag containing something. The old lady behind the counter, packing something into yet another paper bag, nodded at you in a friendly manner. 

You were stunned and surprised and happy, but mostly right now? You needed to eat something. You had been pretty well-fed by Bessie and Sam, but you'd always remain in your tiny slender frame - however, you were willing to eat your weight in whatever sweets that they sold here. You recognized a good bakery when you saw one. 

"Can ... Can I buy something?" you asked, before remembering idiotically that you'd forgotten to take any money out, not that you really had that much. 

The lady replied, "Sure, dearie. Everything's baked fresh, take your pick." She gestured to the shelves and containers filled with heavenly goodness. As she did so, you could catch a little more of what she looked like - a tiny, greying, old woman, with a gentle tenderness around her and respectable ladylike movements. She wore round glasses, and appeared to be what seemed like a pink-and-white, fluffy old woman. You instantly liked her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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