X. Farewell

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"Sure you can carry that all by yourself?" Sam asked.

"It's not even relatively heavy - of course I'm sure!" you replied.

"Aren't you a strong woman," Bessie gushed childishly.

You laughed a little, but the laughter was mostly to cover up the tension of this moment; to hide the feelings surging through you.

Today was the day you were leaving Bessie and Sam.

Today was the day you officially joined the Heroic Forces.

Every time you thought about it, it sent a thrill pulsating throughout your body, but simultaneously a chill ran down your spine. You weren't sure if you were more scared or excited, but you knew that you had to take everything as calmly as you could.

"Well, here comes your ride - that driver has a really fine horse, shame he can't control it - "

"Sam," Bessie interrupted meaningfully.

"Oh yes, well [y/n], off you go now, leaving little old us eh? All grown up and desperate to leave - "

"Sam," Bessie interfered sharply. "anyway [y/n], what you must know is that we will miss you - "

"She doesn't need to hear that sappy stuff! What she needs is a jokey, optimistic farewell to recall years later in her cosy dormitory, not a tearful, tear-sodden goodbye that will break not just our hearts but hers as well - "

"Your jokes are just downright crude and offensive and nothing like what you have described - "

"There is nothing wrong with my statements! On the other hand, they even have humour - "

"Humour me here," Bessie snapped.

You cleared my throat. The two elderly people snapped to attention before realizing that the driver had reached while they were still bickering.

"I apologise profusely!" Bessie cried, just as dramatic as usual. "Goodbye, our dear apprentice - you have been much more than a partner to us - rather more like our own daughter - "

"We shall miss you something fierce and we shall await and anticipate your visits every moment of the day - "

" - the joy you have brought us shall be cherished and will be far from forgotten - "

" - we appreciate every single thing you have done for us - "

" - and will you stop interrupting my well-written and creatively-composed speech! I am in full flow of a melodramatic declaration and you ignorantly interfere with my emotional and sincere words! [y/n], I pray that you will ignore my husband here and - " Bessie snapped. 

"Cut to the chase: We will miss you and we will hope with all our hearts that you come back often to visit us, as well as we hope the training won't be too hard on you and that you will be happy in the Heroic Forces!" cried Sam. 

The coachman looked up from his pocket watch and glared at the three of you. "Can we get going yet?" he asked placidly. 

Bessie appeared flustered. "Y ... Yes, of course!" she threw her plump arms around your slender frame in a loving, motherly embrace, while Sam came over and patted your arm with solemn tenderness. Tears came reluctantly into your eyes. 

"I'll never forget you guys." you whispered. 

The coachman harrumphed impatiently, and you hurriedly lifted your things into the coach. 

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