VII. King

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"Sam!" you screeched.

George hastily said, "He fainted because of exhaustion. Just get him back to the house and then Bessie can treat him." Paul nodded in agreement.

You knew you had no choice but to listen to them - Sam couldn't recover here. As you glanced around at the clearing once again, you spotted the spilt bags of cocoa, and remembered Sam's first request to enter the forest to collect these very beans. The wretched beans which nearly costed him his life.

But Sam would want them, wouldn't he?

You hesitated, and George, who had taken to carrying Sam on his back, followed by Paul called after you. "[y/n]? Are you okay?"

You scooped some of the spilt cocoa beans into the sagging bag, then hoisted it over your shoulders. "Yeah, I'm coming."

Hiking through the forest cautiously, Paul checked his pocket watch anxiously, then mouthed at the rest of us to stay as quiet as possible, and we moved silently through the forest. That was when you accidentally stepped on what was most probably a dried leaf, which made a hugely audible, crackling noise, and almost instantly, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared in the gloomy darkness.

You immediately panicked, backed into George, and nearly made Sam slip off George's back. Paul noticed it as well, and a little bit more rationally, snapped his attention to you and glared at your weapon currently slung across your back. Hurriedly, you drew it and nocked an arrow, fingers trembling, you released your grip.

Perhaps you were too scared - the arrow fired a short distance, not nearly enough to hit the owner of the red eyes. The owner - typical, a wolf - stalked out. Several other companions skulked out as well, their red eyes glowing and ominous. The one whose eyes you spotted first, seemed a little larger than the rest, his grey fur with a more visible shine, as if he was the alpha of the pack.

You glanced at George and Paul. They were both visibly shaking, their terrified pupils glued onto the alpha's nearing steps. Suddenly, a burst of unknown adrenaline burst through your body. You tore your gaze from George and Paul and fixed it onto the silently approaching alpha instead, suddenly feeling all fear seep out of your body. You glared at it, feeling a little alien and not like yourself, but you also could sense a growing seed of anger settle in your heart and grow furiously.

After this moment, things became slightly hazy - the actions which you had committed felt entirely unreal and not like yourself. You wouldn't have even believed it yourself - except that your hazy but readable memories was proof of what you did.

You must've nocked your bow, but this time with three arrows - who knew how you managed to pull that off. Movies made it look easy, but a joking attempt with friends once taught you that it was seemingly impossible to nock a bow with three arrows at the same time - and when you fired it, the three arrows sprung into cold night air and you readied the sharp glinting blade at the tip of your bow and charged as well.

Somehow, with expert precision, the fired arrows ripped through the crisp, biting air, and hit targets - one was the chest of a wolf unable to react fast enough; one grazed a wolf's flesh slightly, leaving blood, and pinned another wolf's tail to a nearby tree, earning two almost simultaneous howls of agony; the last one ricocheting off a pebble of some sort and grazed Paul's ear lightly enough so he wasn't hurt but making him figure out that you were buying time for them and to take off with George and Sam. In the meanwhile, the alpha reacted with lightning speed and charged at your deadly blade as well. Just as you nearly stabbed it, it suddenly leaped over your bow. Your head instinctively ducked down to avoid its slashing claws which were deathly close to your face - it landed on your back and with the momentum, dived agilely onto a sturdy bough of a gnarled tree. How did it keep its balance on that branch?

Now wolves were all charging at you.

As if in a fantasy movie, you slammed each one down, whether with your bare fists, shiny blade on the tip of your bow, or arrows. you whirled around, dealing with each jumping wolf rhythmically, two wolves even landing on your lowered bow once, but you quickly launched them off your body without hesitation.

Finally, you'd dealt with most of the wolves. They'd either been hurt, lying on the ground whimpering or limping away trailing blood. The remaining wolves howled ear-shatteringly at their formerly alive relatives and acquaintances, but quickly left the clearing anyway.

You breathed a sigh of relief. The wolves were gone now. An image of Sam flashed in your mind and you spun quickly to check on his condition.

Paul and George hadn't ditched you yet. They had merely hidden in the safest spot they could find in the clearing to make sure you were fine while observing the battle, and they looked relieved to see that you were unhurt and well. Sam on the other hand, still hadn't woken up and was perspiring heavily, his face appearing stricken. His breathing was also heavy, and you worried that he would not recover so soon. You lifted one of the heavy sacks of cocoa beans, and gestured quietly for Paul and George to leave.

The walk back to the village was mostly silent. In fact, the only sounds that were audible was the crunching of footsteps on soil and dried leaves. However, with each step you took, you had a growing feeling of unease. It kept gnawing away at you, but you could not understand its source. No wolves were around to attack, barely any animals were even around. You broke into a sweat in panic.

You soon found out the reason.

The moment you, Paul and George - who were carrying Sam - left the forest and headed towards the village, instantly, guards surrounded on all sides. You were enclosed in a circle, and you didn't know why. You hadn't done anything wrong, but you panicked anyway because your main objective was to return Sam back to the bakery so he could rest and recuperate, but from the rate of how things were turning out, you honestly doubted you could make it back to the bakery.

"Freeze!" yelled a guard.

"Don't move!" Yeesh, repetitive much? you thought indignantly to yourself.

You put down your bow, and raised your hands in the air. You didn't think it was necessary to hurt anymore tonight, plus you wanted to cooperate as much as possible to rescue Sam.

Hey guys,

If I'm honest, I really didn't expect so much support! ^\/^ I didn't think there would be anybody even remotely interested in this! O0O Sorry I haven't been updating in a long time, and because I'm still studying, I barely have time to write anything. >^< If I do manage to wrangle time out of my schedule I'll definitely try to keep writing, as much as I can, so stick around and bear with me! =d As an additional piece of information, this story was created by @Calansic, with me as the writer, but both of us basically gave up on this story >~< Now,  my current my writing style and my tight schedule has been proving it almost impossible to update A^A Still, I will keep trying to keep this story going, and now that I realized there are actually people who might want to see this story continue, I will interact more often! Thanks for following the making of this story, and I hope to have the next update ready soon!

Question of the chapter: Why do you think the guards surrounded you? Might you be in trouble?

Do leave your thoughts and COMMENT! Feedback is very welcome! Don't forget to vote too!

Sidney :)

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