VIII. Heroic Forces

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Currently, Sam was probably resting at the bakery, safe and sound, with an eternally grateful Bessie nursing him back to health. On the other hand, you were being led by guards to meet the king. You had no idea what sinful crime you had committed to make the king order for a total of fifteen guards to escort you to the palace, but you were willing to face the punishment if it was for a reasonable deed that you might have done, now that Sam was safe.

The guards guided you carefully through the silent, deserted village, and you took this time to ponder exactly what you had done. Maybe he realized that you weren't one of the villagers? If so, there was a high possibility that he could throw you out of the kingdom, and you'd never see kind Bessie or Sam ever again. A pang of guilt and sadness washed over you upon the thought of the absence of the elderly couple in your life. Tears welled in your eyes momentarily, but you blinked hard and stared ahead.

You reached the palace. You didn't even get a good look at it - though you could guess that it was probably very grand and majestic, like all palaces were - because the guards blindfolded you after that and ordered you to follow them carefully. You guessed that they were entering the palace through some backdoor or other entrance, and you followed them wordlessly.

Within a few quick moments, the guards stopped walking and whipped off your blindfold. You blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden bright lighting from the dark shadows of the blindfold. You were in front of a very large, smooth wooden door, and one of the guards leaned over and whispered to me.

"We are now bringing you to meet the king. He will ask you questions, and you must answer every one honestly. However, if you show any form of disrespect, mockery, or other forms of offense to His Majesty, we will not hesitate to apprehend you. Do you understand?"

"Yes." your voice sounding more high-pitched than you realized.

With that, two guards pushed open the doors, and the rest escorted you in to the room. The room was apparently a throne room, with a grand throne carved of shiny wood and studded with gems and gold. The rest of the vast room showed marble floors, towering pillars, a magnificent chandelier, and other guards standing with perfect posture at geometrically precise rows and at various other entrances and corners of the room, including some acting as the king's personal bodyguards, dressed in more classy armour. The room also showcased beautiful antique oil paintings, valuable furniture and decorative sculptures.

You were shocked speechless at the grandeur of this room, so as you glided across the room, you tried to take in everything possible in your sight. You doubted you would see the actual throne room of an actual palace very soon, so this was doubly important that you remembered every detail, considering you possible eviction from the kingdom, or even possibly, a death sentence for intruding.

When the guards plonked you down on your knees onto a soft red carpet much like during movie premieres, you nearly jumped. You were so focused on the magnificence of the room that you didn't even realize you were directly in front of the king now. No time to be scared or nervous now.

"Your Majesty," you managed to mumble courteously to the king.

The king gestured at the guards, and they all stepped away from me, though my hands were still tied, the rope most likely held by one of the guards.

"[y/n]," the king began. (How did he know your name? you wondered.) "Do you know why you have been summoned before me?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"Mrs. Potts - " Mrs. Potts was Bessie. " - asked for my assistance in the rescue of her husband. She mentioned that her apprentice had left with a few of her husband's friends into the forest to search for him, stating that he'd been with friends out on a trip to replenish their cocoa supply for the upcoming victory ball to be hosted at this very palace. I was more than worried, and personally called for a troop of soldiers to host a search party that very minute, especially since that particular time of the night happened to be the time when most wolves roamed. There would not have been any chance of you or Mr. Potts and his friends making it out of that forest alive if I did not send help at once, but I was very much surprised that you even had the courage to step in that forest knowing the dangers that it holds. I inquired further, and Mrs. Potts mentioned that her family had a treasured bow which they passed down from generation to generation, though the knowledge to use it has long been missing. Only those with a true talent for fighting can pick it up in an instant, and you have. Moreover, you made it out of the forest without more than a scratch and a bruise, and I must say I'm impressed. I've only seen such talent being harnessed in the Heroic Forces."

I blinked. "Uh-um, Your Majesty, I'm afraid I don't understand," you stammered.

He sighed, but not in a bad way. "[y/n], what I mean is, I have no idea where in the world you learnt such skills and fighting techniques, so would you mind to explain this to me? Your future is in my hands, and I'd like to make it as bright as possible for someone with your talent, but I need to know if you're not dangerous to my kingdom. Do you understand now?" he asked gently.

You were shocked - for the third time now? - because not only the king was choosing not to be suspicious and evict you or kill you, but he was even trying to understand your situation and - and, he was giving you a second chance?

"Uh-um," you stuttered again, trying to string a sentence together. "I'm an orphan, and before my parents died, they taught me some self-defense and survival skills, and - and I lived in the forest, in a cave, until I found this town?" You blurted this story before you could even register what you were talking to the king. You had now no choice but to continue. "Bessie and Sam - sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Potts - took pity on my situation and took me in and raised me for a while.  But when -  when Mr. Potts went missing, I used whatever I was taught to rescue him, in return for the kindness and care he treated me with all the while. Your Majesty, you aren't angry with my intruding your kingdom and - and everything?"

You felt a vicious tug on my rope. You turned around to investigate, only to see the guard holding your rope - who also conveniently happened to be the same guard who warned me not to be rude to the king - glaring at you so furiously, your skin could have been burnt to holes. Had you been impolite to the king?

"Wells -" Oh, so his name was Wells, was it? " - calm yourself please. [y/n] has done nothing wrong. [y/n], you mentioned that you were an orphan and your parents taught you what you knew. Did you practise after that?"

"Yes. Your Majesty," you added, after feeling another wrathful glare boring into your back.

"If you don't mind my asking, may I ask how your parents died?"

You felt something foggy float into your mind, but before you could determine what it was, you answered the king, clearing your head of whatever thought had appeared. "The wolves took their lives, Your Majesty." You made sure to inject a slight note of grief and fury in your tone.

He nodded sympathetically. "Well, I will choose to trust your story. Now, seeing as you have such talent and skills, a further mastery of it would prove very beneficial to both yourself and the kingdom, don't you think?" he boomed cheerfully.

I blinked. "I'm... sorry?

"I'm offering you an invitation to join the Heroic Forces. [y/n], you are going to be trained with our kingdom's greatest warriors, to protect our people and defend the defenseless. Will you accept, [y/n]?"

Please remember to provide feedback and vote!!! 6[=w=]9 ~Sidney

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