Part Six

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"Wait!" Keith yelped and threw himself against the alpha, grabbing him by the shirt and lacing a hand down his stomach to his thigh. He could feel his growl rumbling in the other man's chest.
"You that lonely?" A softer tone had taken over the growl. Shiro pushed him off and held his arms. Keith's eyes welled up.
"I didn't mean to forget them at home, and I smelled you at the grocery store. I wasn't looking for this when I went out this morning, I swear. I'm sorry, I-I'm just not used to this and I've never...." He trailed off. Shiro already knew that this particular omega had never mated. Definitely not a virgin, but definitely never mated.
"You don't even know me, kid. At all. And listen, your scent is not exactly making this easier but you can't just throw it at some random guy you just met." Shiro seemed more shy now. Keith shook his head.
"If Pidge likes you... then we'll get to know each other. I'm sure you're great and I really appreciate the good guy demeanor but I'm not going home alone tonight. If it's not you I'll just..... I'll just go fuck some beta or blindly hump some other desperate omega somewhere else!" He lied. "Get to know me later."

Shiro rubbed his face.
"Let me... let me go close up. I'll drive you home but this isn't going anywhere." He frowned.
"Come in for now."

Closing Up Shop (Sheith A/B/O) (Finished!!!)Where stories live. Discover now