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"Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I'm late,I was buying stuff from the grocery store"
Ally's cheerful voice echoed in the diner

Honestly Camila was glad to hear it, without Ally around the place had gotten really gloomy also the fact that Lucy had given her cleaning duty today,was making Camila go crazy.

You'd think a small diner like this won't have lots of gums stuck under the table. Well guess what, you're damn wrong and Camila can prove it with half a bucket full of chewing gums she had scrapped off in the past few hours.

So,it's the last day of week two at the diner for Camila. Major things you should know about one, Camila realized she's a people's person. It was really easy for her to get into her customers head and make sure they order tons of things. She just had to recommend the right dishes to the right kind of crowd. Second, Ally had become a major part of their friend group. Like she used to hangout with the four of them. Well she already knew Lauren, Normani and Camila. The only new person to meet her was Dinah and they got on really well with their "Biggie" and "shorty" jokes.
Things with Mike were more or less the same but there was that one thing that happened,I mean Camila knows she shouldn't do it but still...she overheard Mike and Jerry having a conversation during breakfast and she heard Jerry swooning about her and telling Mike how "Camila was such an amazing person and a really hardworking kid" and Camila's favourite part "that girl is meant to do great things I know it in my heart Mikey",Mike seemed somewhat impressed. Jerry truly was the best first boss Camila could've asked for.

On the other hand,Lauren. Oh her perfect and amazing Lauren. Ever since they kissed two weeks ago both of them haven't been able to get off of each other. Lauren would pick her up after work,they would have long make out sessions. Talk about anything and everything. Well the thing was,Camila in her head knew she and Lauren would be good together. What she didn't realize was,they were great together.  They were their own people but they were also each other's person.

Although everytime Camila went over to Lauren's place Mike would give her a weird look that would scream "I still haven't decided whether to trust you with my Lauren or not" but then Lauren would walk in with that big smile on her face. And Camila would forget about everything else.

Lauren on the other hand, was going crazy because of how amazing things have been with Camila. Like,Camila had been such an amazing person. Just the little things she did, getting a piece of pie for Lauren everyday after work. Calling her during her breaks and checking up on her. Making sure Lauren was eating on time. She even made a mix for Lauren of all her favourite bands.

Sometimes,Lauren feels stupid to have given into the rumours she had heard about Camila being a fuck girl and all. It wasn't Lauren's fault though,her reputation preceded her and boy it was not a good one.

There were times when she felt bad to make Camila go through the whole "Impressing my dad" thing. She was trying really hard and Lauren didn't know what she did to deserve that. Like,Camila would literally not hangout after hours with her friends because she had work tomorrow. I mean,this girl had a butler do things for her all her life ,she would eat out at 7 star restaurants and what not but here she was working in a diner. A freaking diner. Mike didn't allow his own daughter to work at a diner because in his words "you can definitely do better than that." Just watching Camila do this,not just do it but give her 110% into this work was something which Lauren appreciated a lot and needless to say there was just something about this situation which made Lauren fall for her even more every single day.

There was one thing though that was bothering Lauren. The way Lucy would treat Camila. Lucy wasn't really talking to Lauren,for some reason she seemed disinterested everytime Lauren would try to talk to her. But Lauren knew, something was up. She had known Lucy all her life,this wasn't the kind of person she was. Lauren just couldn't understand what she or Camila had done wrong to piss Lucy off so much. So,tonight Lauren was determined to break through her friends exterior and just try to make both of them not hate each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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