How we meet

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OK , long story short I meet this girl that change my life and I am so very damn grateful. Rosalie is what they called her. she was fine, beautiful, smart,but lived on the north side of town. But the only problem was her brother, who is my P.O. didn't really approve. I loved her but didn't want to end behind bars because, he want to be petty and Fuck it up . What I am trying to slowly put together with her. I've been to jail and I wont say that I what all I have done, and have been politically correct. But time for me to cut the shit, and say what I have to cause I love this woman and want to be with her.

We meet on that spring night in April, I was making my rounds and making sure that other gangs weren't on my turf. Damn, I sound like some damn lap dog or some shit. I was given some info from one of my boys that there was a woman running about in the streets of this hood. Let it be my fucking luck if I find the damn broad. As I turn on fifth street which for some damn reason was consider to be the most dangerous street in all the hoods in this damn city. Walking a Little more down the road, and that is when I heard it . The scream, it sounded like it came form the woman I was sent to find and catch. Turning in the ally, sat there was other was a scared black woman. If I wasn't there to what I was asked, I would whisk this woman away in a minute just to lock her away in my house away from the world.

"Damn." was I could say because she was so beautiful, well to me any way. If any of the guys heard or saw any of this, they would be laugh their giddy asses off right about now. Any damn how, I slowly approached her cautiously, not that I am scared or anything, but with the way she is ready to hit anything and anyone with that pipe she had. No lie, she make me feel a little excited at the way she is trying to defend herself. As I approach the sexy, pipe, wielding tiger; she seem as though she been through hell. But, in a good way. I ask her one thing that seem to catch her attention. " Hey, baby girl, you are not from around here are you?" I asked her. " Actually, I was here visiting a friend that lives on this street, and I was attacked by some guys in yellow, calling themselves 'The Ronin'. I for right now just want to get home as soon as possible." she said. Fuck, if I didn't know any better I would say that this is not going to sit well in the report for tonight. " I'll walk you home or at least get you to a bus station that safer away from this neighbor hood, and by the way fifth street is known to be the most dangerous street to be walking on at night with no one with you that is." I told her. Yeah, now that I remember, a mother a her three kids was shot on this street by a rival gang member during a shoot a out six years ago. Now, the boss made it law that every woman is to not come outside without any type of protection. I was to limit the death rate.

Even so, this gang ' The Blue Spades' are in the mixer of the good and the damn evil. We done some shady stuff that we ain't proud of it but, we only done it for all the people that are constantly being neglected by our society and the arrogant damn people that live it. Hopeful when I meet this angel I wont have to steal and rob any more. I told the boss i'll steal but I wont kill. I just ain't worth it. So, I spend my time walking her home ,and it turns out that this hell cat lives on the other side of town. I also found out that her name was Rosalie Amaya Diaz, she a wedding planner and use live down in the hood. Her brother took her and a cousin to the north side of town to live a much better life. I wish my damn mother did the same for me when she and father were having problems. But, any way she wants to treat me to a meal at her place on Saturday. Can't just no to my little hell cat, now can I.

After walking her home, I went straight to the boss to tell him the news of Ronin being on our turf. As always that bastard is sitting his chair while the rest of us does his dirty work. But, I can't complain he took me in when my mom started to pimp herself to others without a care. She would sometimes leave me at with no food and nothing to drink. that kinda suck at the most. Any way, I walk in his office and waited for him to get off the phone so we can talk. "What can I for you Johnny?" said the boss. To him he may have more important things to do, but when it was time to sit down and listen to reports rather he like them or not was not my problem. " I was tip by someone saying that they were attack by some Ronin on fifth street. The reason is unknown they were to scared to tell the whole story." I told him. It was something that was seen only when hearing that rival gangs are attacking the people that live this hood. " Is that all, because I was also inform that a woman was loose on the street in the same district. Tell me Johnny, where is this woman now?" asked the boss. This bastard is really tongue twisting when it comes to his words. He start getting all poetic on me sometimes, I wonder why the hell I am the only person he seem to this shit to. " I took her home, to be honest she was visiting a friend, and that was all she told me till she was demanding me to go away or she would hit with the pipe she had in her hands." I said in my usually bored tone. I can't tell him to much about my little hell cat. " I believe you, but know one thing Johnny, you've grown over the years." said the boss. " Yeah, I know you don't have to tell every time I come in here." I said. " I plan on giving this gang to you if anything should happen to me, and also I want you to have a family by that time to." the boss told me.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him. " I see you as my son and I want you to take over the gang because everyone respect you." the boss told me. " Let me think about it you know, cause never thought being of this gang for the rest of my life." I told him. Sometimes I think this fucker is planning stuff like this behind my back. " Do whatever you need, but know that this offer will always be on the table." said the boss. He went to sit back down in his chair and I left the damn office. It always for some reason smell like dead people and expensive smokes. As I am trying to stay as far as possible away from his office ,my phone pings. "Who the hell could this be?" I ask myself out loud.


-Who is this?

-Don't you remember, you call me hell cat.


-Yeah, I wanted to really say thank you for getting me home Johnny. That was really sweet of you to do that for me ,you know.

-Yeah, I know hell cat, just make sure you have some one to walk with on fifth cause it is really dangerous.

- O-O Some one is getting very protective over a girl he just meet.

- Did you text me to mess with me hell cat?

- What if I did, who is going to stop me.

-Daring are we

- Don't think that this girl is scared of anything cause you have that all wrong.

- I didn't think anything different about you hell cat.

- Just text me when ever you are coming over.

-Sounds like a plan, see you later hell cat.

- See you Johnny.

Well, I just told how this crazy and fucked up relationship started. And let me just say to a gangster who only know anything but the gang life, means a lot to have a woman by your side through the good and the bad times seems like the only possibly light I want at this very moment. That is why I am who am. I never had that kind of mushy fucking love that other people get, but I have learn that there will be a person to show me.

-Johnny Ridges-

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