Living Together: Part Two

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Sorry I haven't been writing 😕I was hurt very badly🤕 and could create any new chapters. Now I am back and healthy 😸
😸 Warning there are some errors.....

Rosalie's pov

I can't believe this is happening to me.  The very  thought of Andrew coming back and making well on his promise to come  for me . It really terrified me, ever since he told me those words that  day. Andrew told me that he and Tammy were going to be together and get married. My heart broke and my soul died, the fact that he wasn't man enough to tell me that he had someone else, hurt. If Andrew  didn't want  to be together he could have just said so. He was seeing love from  another girl behind my back ,and It pissed me off more than it actually hurt. Now, even though we aren't even together and the fact that he chooses to attack me while I have  two small children with me is pitiful of him. He didn't want me three years ago why does he want me now? KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK! " Open up the door Rosalie, and come get your ass in the car! Leave the Brats here and move your ass already!"  "Andrew why don't you just leave me alone! You left me for Tammy three years ago, and now you want me back?What the hell are you thinking that things will be OK or even go back to what it use to be! I have been just fine without you during these past three years ,and I am not going to let you stop me from doing so! GO TO HELL ANDREW!" I Yelled at him. "Funny seeing you acting so bold Rosa. When we were together you were never ever this stupid to even talk back, you did everything I ask of you."   "You only did that because I refuse to sleep with you Fucking psycho!"  "Come on Ro, stop making this so hard and lets go."Andrew said to me. "I am not leaving with you, why can't you just leave me alone and go find Tammy!" I yelled. I really hope that Johnny will come and save me. After Andrew left me high and dry, I  passed that  part of my life with him and move on. My friends and my brother help me get over Andrew and the hurt he put me through. 

"Rosalie, what is going on?" asked Maria. I have to do something I can't let him put Maria and D'Angelo in danger. "Maria, I am going to get that bad man out of here and in the mean time  I want you to stay here with D'Angelo until my friend Johnny comes, ok."  "But why, Rosalie please don't go out there and leave me and D'Angelo! What will I do with you, Please Don't GO ! "Cried Maria.  It pain me to see her cry, but her safety was more important. " I will come back when I can Maria, just for now wait for me to get back and don't leave the bathroom until Johnny gets here!" I frantically said to her. Maria cried and shook her head,but I had to leave before Andrew broke down the door. Even after all these years Andrew still hasn't changed at all. Still ignorant and pig headed as always, sadly even after leaving me for Tammy he has gone insane  and dangerous. I got up off the bathroom floor and sent a message to Johnny ,and handing my phone to Maria. " Should anything happen to me Maria I want you to call 911 or my friend Johnny OK, and don't say anything after I leave. Don't let that man see this phone." I said to Maria while whipping her tears. I went to the door and silently gather myself  before answering Andrew. " Andrew I will come with you under one condition, you don't harm these children when we leave. They have done nothing to you ,and Stand back from the door and don't do anything stupid. Besides if you kill me that will give my brother bigger reason to put I wanted award out for your head." I told him. The banging on the door stopped and I could him cackling from the other side of the door. This was the reason I hated that bastard, always finding something to laugh at. " Rosalie my dear why it took you long enough to change your mind. I'll do what you want and step back from the door and let you out, but I want to know the father of those kids so he may die. Can't have you clinging to hope that he will come and save you now my dear. You will be all mind and nothing to stop me, not even your damn brother." Andrew explained excitedly. As I hear him move from the door giving me space to open the door. I still couldn't help but to feel uneasy and very scared, this isn't the first time Andrew has threaten my brother's life. This bastard is sly and unpredictable.  I hold my breathe and open the door only see Andrew smiling and grinning. Quickly stepped out the door and closed it. I hear it lock from the other side giving me the Ok that they were safe. I walk closer to Andrew only to have him pull his gun on me. "Walk Rosalie, we have wasted enough time or I could always shoot those damn brats in the bathroom." "Your still the same as ever, I wonder what happen to that relationship  you and Tammy build together?" " Don't speak of that sour loose bitch in my face again, now get to moving Rosalie." said the very angry Andrew.  I started walking away from the bathroom door to the bedroom door and  out the front door. As I was walking I got to thinking, when I mention Tammy Andrew was all sour and pissed. Which made me wonder what really happen between those two.  Feeling the barrel of Andrew's gun on my back which  scared me even  more, but I was doing this for Maria and D'Angelo. But mostly I was doing this for Johnny. I can't live with myself should anything happen to him.  As me and Andrew was approaching his car which was a 2017 black Dodge Charger. Andrew pushed the gun a little closer to my back and made me walk a little further toward the vehicle. He open the door and tied my wrist together so I couldn't do anything.I sat in the front seat and waited till he sat in the driver seat, Andrew got in smiling and cackling to himself. The engine started and we pulled away another car appeared with six others that look the same. Someone got out of the first car and that person happen to be Johnny. I was happy in the side and sad on the outside, If I had stayed in the bathroom in Johnny's apartment just a little  longer I wouldn't be in Andrews hands. " What is the matter my dear, what could possible have your mood so rotten today." said Andrew sweetly.  I wanted to throw up and die. How could he ask such a thing and smile while saying it." Nothing, just thinking of a lot of things right now, something you wouldn't understand." " What is it tell me my dear Rosalie what troubles you?" question Andrew. " Andrew,leave me alone and just die." "Oh my sweet we must change your views on me so we can live happily again." " Why in cold hell would I want to live with you again, and for what a broken heart mixed feelings? I don't think so."


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