Living Together

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       Rosalie's Pov

           After living together with Johnny for a week I have come to notice that he is very untidy person. Not only that he has a terrible nasty habit of leaving his clothes out and about, it reminds me of the first time my brother took me and my cousin to the Northside of town. Even so, I am grateful that Johnny allow me to stay here. Getting a call from my cousin Maya saying that Andrew was coming for me was an understatement and a nightmare. Andrew was the first man that I have every loved, but I couldn't find it in my heart to marry him if he ask. That faithful when he told me after three years and four months being together during that time he was  cheating on me with another woman. To think that all that time we had spent together and all those moments that we had shared were just a cover for him and his tramp. Now things have gone wrong between them and he coming after me. As scared as I was Johnny was the only one at the time that I thought to call. I didn't call my brother because his wife pregnant and I don't think I want cause so much worry. So, I am here in Johnny's apartment  hiding  Andrew, speaking of Johnny here comes now.

      "Good morning Johnny  would you like anything to eat before you head out for today?"I ask him. "I want three of pancakes, four sausages, some eggs, and a hash brown. Maybe some orange juice but when you do given me orange juice put Hennessy in please, thank Hell Cat." Johnny said.  "Johnny, I have a question for you, and you don't have to answer at all if it is to painful to talk about."  I said to him. Johnny look as if he didn't know what I was talking about, and now I feel kinda weird now.  "If  you talking about my past then I will tell you just not now, I told you about how Keisha cheated on me and that is all you need to know." said Johnny.  "Oh..well, here is your breakfast and hope your day goes well." I said to him. I just pretty much it hit a sour spot for him that he doesn't even wants to talk about, and not to even put it frank he seem to be pissed about just not showing it.  "Well, I  have to go to the orphanage to see the orphans.  If  you need anything just call and I will try to answer when I can." I told him. As I left I can't help but feel that I hit a sore spot for Johnny that he doesn't wishes to talk about. More or so he seem very pissed about just not showing it for my sake.  The orphanage is on the three district which is usually a very busy place, but also filled with gangs and mafia bosses. The city wanted to moved the children from this orphanage and the neighborhood. Why?, because there is some much drug traffic that way so bad that,  there where three people who were murdered over a twenty-five ounce of weed and fifteen ounce of cocaine. Their names were never given to the to the public, but I guess that is with every murder investigation that has happen on the south-side of town.  Arriving at Little Sunshine's Home for Orphans was some of my favorite pass time when I wasn't working for my wedding planning business. I come and help out when ever I can, but the problem is not being noticed by the drug dealers, pimps, and etc. I wear clothes that don't make me stand out as much. Not ridding in flashy car so it will not get stolen that was nightmare to find but the car note is cheaper ,and it is at least expected to get stolen.

           The children never really had real roll models, so they are most likely to find it in the streets or in a gang.   Mrs.Black is the founder of the orphanage;she has done so much to make sure that children who don't have a stable home have one at the orphanage, she has also made sure that people who can take care of children while they are waiting for a good permanent home. I am one of them they call us care takers,and why would they call us that? Here it is simple and easy, when a child is taken into the orphanage, it is then decided which care taker will care for that child while they stay here. In other words it is like having another parent before you get adopted. " Good morning Mrs.Black, how are the little ones this morning?" I asked her. "Rosalie, Honey, good thing that you are here. There was a newborn baby that was dropped off at the orphanage door step last night, and I was wondering if you could be the little chubby munchkins care taker?" Mrs.Black said to me.   "Well, was there anything that was left with the little one? Because if so, I would like to have those please, so at least he or she will have some dippers and clothes." I said to her.  "Well, now that you mention it, whom ever their mother was left a dipper bag full of stuff they will need. Maria ask for you this morning and she seem very upset that you didn't come to visit throughout the week; speaking of this week what happen Rose you never skip out on the chance to see the children?" Mrs.Black question m.  " It's complicated and I have little more busy with the boutique, and I didn't want to take work here and make them more upset with then they already are." I explained to her.  " Well, that seem to make since but I also want you to be careful; by you coming from the north side and all." Said Mrs.Black. 

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