Getting to Know Each Other

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                       It has been over a week since I meet my little hell cat,Rosalie. She is everything I could have picture in woman to be from the very beginning.  She texted me on Sunday because she wanted to meet me at 'Old Maple' for coffee. We talk a lot and getting to know each other. Did I tell you my hell cat was very smart, well she is running her own wedding planning business, and is making more money than anybody could ever dream. The only damn difference from what she does and what other people do is that, her business has everything from the fucking wedding dress boutiques,the damn bakery,and her office where most of the section of her job happens.  But she knows about me being a gangster and what not, but she doesn't give a damn. It's only been a week and I am falling in love with this woman. Don't get me wrong I want to get to know my little hell cat first. The only problem is her brother, who is my damn P.O.

"Johnny, let me just say one thing, me staying on the other side of these tracks has nothing to do with us being together. My brother also being your P.O. doesn't scare me not one lick of a damn cent." said Rosalie. "My sweet hell cat cursing now are we? If so, I don't mind I find it real sexy for a lady of your stature." Johnny told her. " Johnny, I am 5'2 I haven't grown since my eighth grade graduation." Rosalie told him. "Doesn't matter, I like it other wise that  wouldn't be what makes you ,you my hell cat." said Johnny. "So, what cultural background are you from?" Rosalie question him. Sometimes answering that would be a sour fucking subject to talk about. I didn't really care what background I came from,I only thing that I knew was my father was Hispanic and my mother was white. " I don't really know my background all that hell cat, I only know that my father was Hispanic and my mother was white that is all." To me this damn subject seem kinda sore for me to even talk about." Oh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to you know."Rosalie told him. Damn where was my hell when my world was becoming my despair and pain. She is the perfect angel to guide me through this damn rough ass life I have been living through. 

"Come on lets take walk in the park, I don't to much get out much because of my damn stalker you call a brother." Rosalie told me. " He Stalks you?" I asked her. " He is only doing this because of my past relationship with this guy name Andrew. Andrew was controlling, manipulative,and a cunning bastard." Rosalie told him.  "Why, this guy sound like some damn insane loon that makes me want to snap his neck in half." Johnny told her.  "Well, he cheated on me with some girl and said that he was going to marry her, but he didn't know that I knew that he was cheating on me. But, none the less I was so damn happy he left. From what I heard she had his baby and is on the run from him." Rosalie said to Johnny. "You really do have a fucked relationships with others do you?" Johnny question her. " And you find this amusing, Johnny." Rosalie asked him.  " Not at all hell cat, all I am saying is that you have been in a hellish relationships, but seem not to be fazed by it in any way." Johnny told her.   "Speaking of which it was fun getting to know you Johnny, but I have to get back to the boutique. See later though." Rosalie told him. As she was walking away, I couldn't help but wonder if my little hell cat was starting to develop feeling for me. Who knows, after spending some time with Rosalie over the course of the week I feel that I may have some kind of damn feelings for my little hell cat.

Coming back over from the north side of town to the south side wasn't a real challenge for me in any way. Rosalie knew this , so there wasn't any damn complaining on her fucking end of the damn table. I just received a little tip from bird on first street, the fucking Ronin are damn well lurking were they are not wanted. This just makes my reports more better and easier to give and tell the boss any way. That bushy-eyebrow bastard makes me want to snatch those damn things form his face sometimes. As I step in front of his office door, the boss was on the phone making a call again. More or less to kill someone I bet, cause this is how he taking down most of the rival gangs leaders any way from what I have seen. " Boss we have another siting of Ronin, this time in the first district." I told him.  " Very good Johnny, I knew they would be back but I didn't know when. So, how was your date with your mystery woman, Johnny?" He said to me. " How the hell you knew where I was i did patrol the second and sixth districts like you ask me to first. What more could you possible want to know this girl." I question him. He must think that am going to take over the gang once he decides to step down.

"I don't want to meet her just yet , it would seem that you two are just starting to get to know each other, am I wrong Johnny?" he said.  For once in my life I am starting to get creep out if you know what I mean.  This old fuck has been spying on me and Rosalie, I can't make her victim to the gang violence. " What about her?" I question him. This involves my little hell cat  which is why I want to what this old crank want with her. " She seem like the perfect fit for your damn screwy attitude. But the only question remain, once you two get serious or do get that serious are you willing to take my offer?" he asked me.  " I don't know I want to really get to know her first before trying to decide to be your next heir." Johnny told him.  " I am in no big rush for you to love and marry the girl, but your past catching up to you is all I am really concerned about right now." he explain to Johnny.  " Well, right I am happy that I have meet her. if we were together I wouldn't see the need for anyone else." I told him. I walk straight out his office to go home, my hell cat will text soon about her day. Some men wouldn't give a rats ass how their girl day was. Not me, I will listen just so she know I am not a fucking prick when it comes to her any way. Getting home and walking through my door I sat on my sofa watching TV, when my phone pings.

- Johnny, I have something I need to share with you.

-What is it?

-I just found out from some family members and friends that Andrew is coming here, and he may come to my house.

-In other words what are you asking hell cat?

-Let me stay at place for a few months till he leaves, or a few weeks. I just can't believe my long over nightmare started all over.

-Stop scaring your damn tits, you can stay here with me. The only thing that you have to deal with is that my boss comes and do some stupid damn random check on me.

- In other words your big boss of the 'Spades'

- You could say that

Thank you Johnny, you are truly a life saver you know.

- Yeah, now get to sleep hell cat I now you have a lot packing to do.

-Yeah, your damn well, right, good night Johnny.

-Good night, Rosalie.

    This goes to all you guys out there who is calling yourself a gangster. If you were a real gangster, you wouldn't sag your damn pants or call girls out their names, real gangsters have done the shit and told it like a fucking movie or have the scars to prove it. To all those who are not ready to be a gangster step down and let the real gangsters step in. 

                      Johnny Ridges-

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