Chpt. 1

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Run. Don't stop. No matter how tired you are. Don't stop.

I breathe heavily and my legs burn. I see a sign up ahead that says Next Exit 1 Mile

I smiled but didn't slow down. I ran and ran until I saw it. The exit.

Eagerness flowed through my vains and I turned my head to see if they were still following me.

I didn't see anything and I felt a sliver of hope until I saw a black SUV driving towards me.

My eyes filled with horror and I turned my head forward and went to the exit and saw a type of diner and ran in. I knew it was a stupid idea but it was the only thing that was in sight.

I breathed heavily trying to get my breath back to my lungs.

"Can I help you?' one of the waitresses asks

I nod "Get out" I say "Get somewhere safe"

She looks at me like I am crazy "Excuse me ma'am I think you should sit dow-"

I cut her off by pulling out my gun from my waistband

"I said Leave!" I yell aiming the gun at her

Her eyes widen and she drops the tray she was holding.

Everyone who was there leaves in a hurry

I sigh and hide behind the kitchen counter

I close my eyes hoping to wake up and that this is all just a dream. But it isn't. I hear a car door slam shut and the door to diner open.

I squeeze the gun that is in my hand

"Morgen" A male voice says "Come on out! We won't hurt you! We just want to help you" I can hear his footsteps echo in my ears

"We promise if you come with us now we won't hurt you. You have my word" He says trying to sound sweet and innocent but I can tell he is very impatient right now

I can't control myself any longer "Is that what you told my brother?" I yell from my hiding spot

He is quiet for a second obviously smiling because I gave up my hiding spot "I knew you were here" He says

I stand up and aim my gun towards him. We are about 20 feet away from each other. He has short blonde hair that shimmers in the sunlight. He is wearing a dark navy blue suit and I see his own gun tucked in his waistband. He is probably about my age which is 24.

"I asked you a question" I say between gritted teeth "Is that what you said to my brother!" I yell my eyes start to burn and my vision blurs a bit

"Gosh how long has it been? 6 years?" He smiles "What makes you run? what powers you to keep going?" He asks taking a step closer

I don't say anything I just aim my gun at him

"Your brother? If you come with us we can show you your brother" He takes another step

He is just trying to get in my head. But it doesn't work. I would rather die then go with them.

I put the gun to my head and his eyes widen

"No don't!" He says panic in his voice "Think about your brother!"

I look at him and a tear drips down my cheek "My brother is dead"

I start to squeeze the trigger until all the windows in the room shatter sending glass shards everywhere.

I crouch and cover my head with my arms

I hear yelling and gunshots and a pain in my stomach but I dont look up.

After its quiet I slowly look up to see a male about my age with a cut on my cheek. He is very handsome with short dark brown hair.

Then I see a middle-aged man he walks up to me and extends a hand

"Are you alright?" The middle-aged man asks

I don't grab his hand and stay where I am looking at him

"I'm not with him" He says pointing at a knocked out body on the floor "Im Agent Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D."

I continue to stare at but finally speak up "I- I'm Morgen" I say starting to stand but fall back down

I feel and horrific pain in my stomach and wince.

"She been shot" Coulson says "We have to take her to the infirmary. Ward, pick her up we have to move quickly before more come"

I feel a pair of strong arms pick me up and everything gets blury

And then darkness

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