Chpt. 8

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Its been a week since Ward saved my brother an I.

And this morning Klar and I were fighting.

"I want eggs" He says looking through the fridge

"Well I dont want eggs, lets have pancakes!" I say excitedly

"I dont want pancakes though"

"Well I dont want eggs"

We look at each other "Come on Morgen, eggs are good for you"

"No Klar I dont want eggs. Besides pancakes are fun to make!"

This argument goes on for about 15 minutes until Ward walks in

"What are you guys fighting about now?" He asks grinning a little

"I want eggs" "I want pancakes" We said in unison and glared at each other

"How about this" Ward says "Lets make both"

Klar and I look at each other

"Besides Morgen, your gonna need the calories. We're sparring today"

I roll my eyes and groan

"Fine," I look at Klar "Ill make the pancakes you make the eggs"

He nods and we get to work


After we finished eating Ward took me down towards the cargo bay

We got into a ready stance

"You ready?" He asks

I ignore his question and punch his jaw. He turns back to me like it was nothing and goes to punch me but I duck.

He goes for another punch but I grab and twist it behind his back.

He elbows me in the stomach and I let out a loud groan

He puts his foot behind mine and pulls back sending me to the floor with a thud

He sits on op of me and pins me to the ground

I try to squirm out but he is to strong

Then I laugh a little and he laughs too. When we stop laughing he looks at me for a little too long and his grip loosens a bit.

He leans in a bit but I shift my weight to one side and flip him over so I'm sitting on him.

"Not bad rookie" He laughs breathlessly

"Thanks" I say "I dot even know how I did that. I saw it in a movie when I was 12"

He looks confused but nods

"So are you gonna get off me?"

My cheeks feel hot and I quickly get off him



After 5 more fights I win 2 and he wins 3

I walk to the kitchen and open the pantry

"What do you want?" I ask him still peeking through

He doesn't answer

I close the door and look at him

"What do yo-"

I get cut off by his lips crashing into mine

I am caught off guard so at first I dont kiss back but then I cant help myself and kiss back. He puts his hands on my waist and I realize. WHAT AM I DOING?!

I pull away and dont look at him

"Oh god. Morgen I'm sorry" He says

I look at him "This. this cant happen. Ok?"

I dont wait for a response I turn and walk away down to the lab

Inside Fitz is working on a piece of metal. Probably another drone

"Hey" I say leaning on the counter

He doesn't look up "Hey. Why are you here?"

I look at him strangely "You really don't like me huh?" I ask

He looks up from his project "What?"

Ever since Simmons went on vacation to visit her parents, Fitz hasn't left the lab except to sleep and eat then he goes straight to the lab

"You know what I mean." I state "You ignore me when you can and when you have to talk to me you give me attitude"

He doesn't speak for a second

"Im sorry. Im just used to only being around a limited amount of people." He smiles a little "I dont like change much"

I nod "I understand but you don't have to be a jerk"

He nods "I promise ill give you a chance" he says crossing his heart

I extend my hand out towards him

"Im Morgen"

He smiles "Leo"

Awww friendships!!! So Good bad?

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And really quick I need a new cover photo so if you make them send one my way and it'll be the new cover photo for everyone to see!

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