Chpt. 2

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My eyes opened slowly and all I saw was a bright light shining in my face

I suddenly heard a lock click and I closed my eyes again

"-and we don't even know who she is" I heard a male voice speak

"She was obviously in danger when she wakes up we will question her" I heard Coulson speak.

I felt a presence next to me and thought: its now or never

I bolted up and wrapped my arm Coulson's neck and grabbed the gun from waistband and aimed it at the other man. I remember him his name is Ward I think

Ward takes out his own gun and aims it at me "Put the gun down" He says

"Not until you answer my questions first" I say an I feel a strong pain in my stomach. I was shot. "Where am I"

"Your on our plane you were shot at we are trying to help you now please, put down the gun" Coulson says not moving

For some reason I believe Coulson. I hesitate for a second then put the gun in his hand.

He puts it on a table and Ward lowers his gun

"Why did you save me?" I ask

Coulson smiles a bit "I know a good person when I see them"


Coulson put me in a room for my interagation

Suddenly the door opened and Coulson and Ward walked in

"Good evening" Coulson smiles

I just stare at them

"So first things first: Whats your name" Ward asks me

"Morgen" I say

"That sounds familiar is that Dutch?" He asks me

I nod "Its Dutch for tomorrow" I look down at my hands "As in the sun will always come up tomorrow"

They are silent for a second

"That man that was chasing you" Coulson says "Who was he?"

I dont speak

"We are just trying to help you" Ward says "Can you let us do that?"

"Funny" I laugh mockingly "Thats exactly what they said to my brother" I look at him "Before they killed him"

Another silence

"What was your brother's name?" Coulson asks

"Klar prounounced like Kha-lar" I say my heart feels like it just shattered into a thousand pieces

"Why were they chasing you" Agent Coulson asks again

I dont look at them

He puts his hand on mine comfortingly "Please, I promise I will try to help you" He says

I look at him. And a strange feeling comes over me I feel saftey

"I dont know" I say "One day when I was 18 I was at home reading and I heard my brother scream and some gunshots I ran outside and I saw him" My voice cracks a bit "I saw him standing over my parents they died from multipule gunshot wounds" My vison starts to blur but I continue "My brother was only 14 and I didnt know what to do so I grabbed him and we ran. We ran for about a year until they found us they seperated us and one of them put a gun to my head I knew I was suppose to die then I heard Klar" Tears start to slide down my cheeks "My parents werent normal they were also agents they taught us how to fight, But I heard Klar scream and a gunshot" I say looking away "I killed him. I should have been quicker I should have done something anything!" My heart hurts "He was only 15 he was too young" I say

They are both silent and Coulson puts his hand on my shoulder

"You should get some rest. Ward will show you where you'll be sleeping" He says and leaves the room

I wipe my eyes stand up following Ward out of the room

We walk down a narrow hallway that opens up into a big room. There is a couch and in the corner is a smaller room.

He opens the door for me "This is where you'll be staying tonight" He says

I nod and walk in "A little small" I say

He leans on the doorframe "Yeah it is"

There is an awkward silence

"So im just going to lay down now, I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask

He nods "Night" He starts to walk away but turns around "I'm sorry about your brother. We'll find the people who killed him"

I nod gratefully and close the door

I lean on the door and smile

I then get into the comfortable bed and close my eyes.

Then I drift off to sleep

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