Chpt. 7

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After my brother and I's reunion the blonde man came and took me. We traveled further down the halls into room with no windows except an over head lamp.

He put me into the chair that stood in the middle of the room and tied my arms and ankles to it

He looked at me for a second "So Morgen I'm guessing your brother told you why your here?"

I dont move but continue to stare at him

"Ill take that as a yes? Now we know your like him" He says "Now just tell us what your talent is and we will make this as painless as possible"

I stay still

"Morgen please" He begs

"in der Hölle verrotten du Sau" I spit (German)

He shakes his head and tsks "I didn't want to do this... but you leave me with no choice" He says

He stands in front of me and punches me. I feel the sting spread through my jaw but face him again.

"Come on." I laugh "You can do WAY better than that"

He punches me again. And this time it hurts a little more.



Its been 20 minutes and he hasn't stopped punching. My face throbs, my lip is bleeding, and I have a cut on forehead.

"Had enough yet" He asks "just tell me what it is and ill stop"

I take a deep breath "ok. Ok" I say breathlessly

He smiles and leans a bit closer to me

I spit in his face "Go to hell" I smile

He looks disgusted and wipes it off with a napkin.

He stands in front of me and I realize 'Im REALLY gonna get it now'. He pulls his fist back and...

Suddenly the door opens and a solider walks in but his face is covered with his helmet.

"Sir, intruders have broken through the perimeter" The helmeted soldier says

The blonde man groans "You got lucky but when I get back you might not be thankful he stopped me" He says then leaves

The man takes off his helmet.

"Ward?" I ask

He runs to the chair and untied the restraints. I stand up and Ward stares at my face

He touches it slightly "God what did he do to you?"

I push his hand away even though I understood his worrying "He just gave me a few punches" I say "Ill be fine, lets just go"

He puts a gun into my hand but this gun is different

"Whats this?"

"Fitz and Simmons created it, it makes people go to sleep when they get hit with these bullets" He says "Now lets go"

He grabs my hand and we run out.

There are 4 guards in the stairwell we take them out fast

Were about to go downstairs when I remember my brother

I run back to his room

"Morgen what are you doing?" Ward asks impatiently

I ignore him and open the door

Klar looks over and has a confused face on.

"We're leaving" I say simply and grab his arm

As we're running out of the building Ward asks "Who is this?"

I see a solider and shoot him

"My brother" I say and were outside

I see the car and run in

"Drive!" Ward yells and we drive off

"That was surprisingly easy" Coulson states

"Morgen you told me this is your brother I thought he was dead?"

I tell them about Klar's talents and why they wanted me. And they tell me that they were Centipede and they hunt down people with talents

"So you don't die?" Skye asks him

He nods and his cheeks reden a little

"But do you have... powers?" Simmons asks

"Simmons dont be crazy" Fitz says then pauses "But if you did you should tell us"

"No I dont"

"They thought you did because we are related" Klars says

"Well thats behind us now."I say ruffling his hair "were finally free from them" I smile and he smiles back

And I really think we're free

Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя