Chapter 7

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Professor Crane had finally decided to let me go back to campus. It had taken a whole lot of convincing but rest assure he let me go at last. Going back felt strange. I haven't been back for quite some time. Besides all the things that happened the last couple of days with Crane have left me drained of energy. I looked like death walking around campus. Walking down the halls where some students would throw me questioning glances. When returning to my room, I found Mia sitting on my bed with a worry experssion. Seeing me as I opened the door she quickly jumps off the bed flinging her arounds hand me.

"Where have you been this whole time? You never answered you're phone or responded to any text messages. I thought something dangerous happened to you! She screamed at me.

For how long have I been gone? I don't really remember aside from all the torture I endure from Crane. Confused I said," Why are you worrying about me? It's no big deal. You see I'm fine! Back in one piece." I said with a fake smile.

"Are you crazy how couldn't I worry about you? A few people on campus noticed your disappearance. There are rumors saying you were kidnapped. Along with other absurd things. Speaking of of disppearance where have you been? She said narrowing her eyes at me.

I'm not going to take any chances  telling her about my current sistuation. Instead I'll just quickly make something up. I'm good at lying anyways.

"I unfortunately had a family emergency to attend back at home. I rather not talk about it. It's a touchy subject at the moment and need some time alone if you don't mind."I said abruptly

Her experssion falter a little but quickly retained back with a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that darling, I'll talk to you later. Now go rest and take some time for yourself to think. If you need anything just know you can talk to me. I may not be able to provide any good enough advice for you but I'll listen to anything you want me to hear."She said with a forced smile. Not saying anything else she left, shutting the door rather a bit too loudly.

 As you can see, me and Mia have tension when it comes to talking about one another's feelings. There was a point she was going through a tough time she poured her heart to me. 

I didn't really know her well back then and said things I regret to this day still. But no matter how many apologies I say they will never make up for my unforgettable behavior.

  When it comes to me expressing how I feel I never say anything because it's my problem to deal with alone. Plus welcome to the real world where your feelings don't matter. That's how I was raised to be.Emotionless.

I jumped onto the bed landing on my back with a thump. My body was aching all over the place, my muslcues were tensed. I felt paranoid and weak to the core. The bags under my eyes didn't help the case anymore. It was plain as day for everyone to see I been to hell and back. 

I close my eyes as tears start to run down my face. My one fear I had up to this point had manifests itself again. All thanks to that idiot of Crane. 

I spent half of my teen years trying to control it. Trying to get better at hiding it. Giving fake smiles whenever asked how I was doing. For so long it had gotten in the way of my living. I lost count of how many times I cried about it. Thinking I was pathetic and stupid for having such a problem. 

Whenever I tried to seek out help all I got in return were remarks telling me I'm crazy, it's all in my head.  At some points I had thoughts of taking my own life. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew it in my heart I still had hope and wanted to see what the future had instore for me.

Letting my thoughts consume me, I drifted into a deep sleep once again. Sleeping is the only place where you can hide from the realities of this cruel world.

Professor Crane

"Come on Edward I know your somewhere here hiding! Come out already you idiot I'm not fooling around here! I yelled furiously.

I came looking for Edward in his hideout in the outskirts if Gotham City. Me and him had some busniess to plan out. We are going to map out how to rob Gotham's National Bank. But of course like always before coming here to his place he always decides to play around. Right now I'm currently walking in plain darkness. Just running my hand along the wall in hopes of finding a switch.

"I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears , yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?"

"Seriously again with this nonsense. How many times do need to tell you to stop doing this whenever I come over?"I said annoyed.

"You didn't answer my riddle Johnathan. Remember no answer no entry."The riddler chanted loudly.

" The human brain. By the way that was an easy one."

"Oh really? Because most of my victims can't answer that one and I end up killing them in my chamber . Oh I guess they are not smart like you Johnathan."He said.

The lights turned on. Edward was sitting down in a big green chair with a map on his desk written on with red pen marks.

"I can see you have gotten a headstart. What did you come up with so far?

Sitting down in front of him I grabbed a pen. Edwards hideout was consisted of carmeas thoughout the city monitoring every move. There where all types of traps you could think of from lazers on the floors to codes for unlocking doors incase his lured victims tried to escape. Metal chain hanging from the ceilings for torturing. 

"Who's that young lady I saw you with?"Edward asked curiously.

"What are you talking about?"I said tensing.

"You know excatly who I'm talking about. There's no hiding from me. Now tell me who is she? He said.

"She's no one important can we get this over with?" I said irritated.

"Sooner of later I'll find out Johanthan. Watchout."He winked. Giggling.

Scribbing some more on the map he explained.

"So for over the past weeks. I been observing through the carmeas where the guards are and where we can come in from. Right at the back there is an alleyways. Rarely anyone uses that as an entrances. This is the banks weakest point. There are no guards patorling that area. So I was thinking how about we disguise ourselfs as delivering man to get in. Right when we get in throw bombs to flog the place and take out whoever is in the room with us."He said

Thinking over about the plan. This is the perfect way to get in easliy. But it would be a risk because we won't know how many guards will be once we are inside. But we'll take our chances. In order for this to take effect we'll have to create a strong soultion to knock the people.

"Alright this plan seems so far good. But we have to create something extremly strong to knock them all out at once."

"Wait didn't you say awhile back you were working on a new toxin?"He said.

"I am but it isn't ready yet and it's just an experiment for something else."I said

"Well you want this plan to work out I sugguest you work a little more on it."

With that the lights went out. Then turned back on. Right where Edward was sitting a moment ago was empty. I hate when he disppears out of the random. Walking out into the open I get my car keys and open the door to get inside. This means I need to get Lana to help me more with the toxin. Besides all I done to her I hope she is resting well for our next session.

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