1) Arrival at Hogwarts

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Chapter 1

I sat in the train compartment, the seat sinking slightly under my weight. I sat next to the window, the glass sliding door about two seats to my left. Bag compartments were nailed to the wall above my head, empty seeing as I only had one trunk which was in the luggage compartment. I had originally worried about the ancient book nested between shirts, sweaters, robes and jeans, but I soon figured everything was magically protected. No one was going to be snooping through my bags anytime soon. I just hoped that wizard magic was enough to protect what lay inside.

There was a tap on the glass door and it was slowly pulled open. A teenage boy about my age poked his head inside, "Do you mind?" he asked, "All the others are full."

I smiled and nodded towards the seats, a strand of my waist length, dark brown waves fell into my face. I brushed it behind my ear as I told them to come in. A bushy brown haired girl walked in behind the boy followed by another girl. Her fiery red hair and orange freckles matched the boys, and I could easily see these two were related. Another boy came in behind her, he had jet black hair covering his pale forehead. I smiled at them as the dark haired boy sat behind me, followed by the bushy haired girl. The two siblings sat across us. "What's your name?" asked the red haired boy.

"Prin." I replied.

The boy smiled, "I'm Ron Weasley, and this is my sister Ginny."

"My names Hermione Granger." said the brunette.

"Harry Potter." said the dark haired boy, he seemed to shrink back slightly as he said so.

"What's the matter? Think I'd see your name as funny or something?" I asked with a bit of a laugh.

The four looked at me curiously, "You don't know who he is?" they asked, shocked.

I shook my head, "Sorry, should I?" I asked.

Ron looked at me, "Well yes! Didn't anyone ever tell you about The Boy Who Lived?"

I chuckled, "The Boy Who Lived?" I asked, and Ron nodded vigorously.

Harry glared at Ron, "Ron, cut it out." Ron only shrugged innocently in return.

"You must be new." said Hermione, changing the subject and earning a grateful look from Harry.

I nodded, "Yes, this is my first year attending wizardry school."

"You'll love Hogwarts." Ginny smiled, "I remember my first year, although, I was a lot younger!"

I smiled, already knowing I'd be alright after all.

The school was basically a castle, resting on top of a hill over looking the grounds as well as the lake. I was taken aside by Professor McGonagall to be sorting after all of the first years. "I will call each of you up by name. You will sit on the stool where I will place the sorting hat on your head to be sorted." she explained.

One by one the first years were called up, most going to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, although, some were also sorted into Gryffindor and Slytherin. I spotted the four students I had met on the train sitting at the Gryffindor table, Ginny noticed me a smiled before turning back to the sorting. Finally all of the first years had been called, and it was my turn.

"Principium Filia Warrenam." called professor McGonagall.

I felt every eye on me as I made my way to the stool, sat down, and waited as the professor slowly lowered it to my head. The moment it touched the first hair on my head and sprung to life. "Well, well, well, how interesting..." he thought out loud, "A curious past you've had, I see...but where to put you? I can see great power not only in your future, but inside of you now...such great power...I think Slytherin is the rightful house for you..." he pondered. "I can see you are cunning, intelligent, brave...the traits of a pure Slytherin..." my eyes were shut tight in nerves, praying to be sorted where I'd best fit. "Better be...GRYFFINDOR!" the hat bellowed, much to my surprise. Professor McGonagall smiled and handed me a gold and red tie, which I fastened to my neck as I sat down next to Ginny and Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

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