Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I sat on my bed, the sound of Hermione's heavy breathing came from the bed across the room. I had read the letter over probably ten times, wondering whether or not I should go.


I have to talk to you. I swear I didn't tell Pansy anything, I don't know how she found out about the book. I can assure you, though, that she doesn't have a clue what it really is. Please believe me. Meet me in the astronomy tower tonight. I'll understand if you don't come, but if you do I'll be waiting.


After the eleventh time reading the letter, I gave in. The wooden floorboards creaked lightly under my weight, causing me to cringe with every step. I heard the soft sounds of Hermione stirring as I pulled open the door to our dorm. I paused, holding my breath, until I heard her heavy breathing pick up again.

I only had to duck into empty classrooms twice as I snuck about the halls. It was mostly ghosts on patrol tonight, which are less motivated to catch wondering students that the teachers are. So I was able to easily sneak up to the astronomy tower without being even remotely caught.

Draco was leaning against the railings of the tower, his back to me as he looked out at the stars. "I never pictured you as the star gazing type." I said to announce my presence.

Draco turned, slightly smiling as he saw me. "I thought you wouldn't come." he said.

I shook my head, "Well I couldn't pass up a perfectly good opportunity to climb up to the highest tower in Hogwarts all while trying to avoid getting caught, now could I?" I replied sarcastically, lightening the mood.

He laughed lightly, "Does that mean you believe me then?" he asked.

I pretended to think for a moment, "Well I don't know about that Mr. Malfoy..." I trailed off, pacing around the room dramatically. "Why would I meet you here if I believed you? I could've come here just to...oh I don't" I said suggestively, throwing my hand out at Draco in a freezing motion.

Draco stopped moving immediately, even the hair on his head no longer moved from the slight breeze. I smiled evilly, who said forgiving someone meant you couldn't have a little fun first? I walked behind him, suddenly getting a good idea. I pulled his wand out from his back pocket, my plan set in my mind, and tossed it onto the floor in front of him. I looked around the room for a place to hide. I began walking towards a pile of crates before my eyes set their target. Above me was a small ledge in the ceiling. I jumped into the air, my hands held above my head, and used my powers to levitate myself safely upwards. I landed in a sitting position, one leg bent and resting close to my waist, the other hanging lazily off the edge. I knew that in my dark clothing this would make me look even more intimidating, but that was the point. I didn't only want to have some fun, I wanted to warn Draco never to truly cross me. After all, I barely knew him, and I wouldn't want to put anything to chance.

He unfroze as soon as I was settled, "Prin?" he asked, shocked.

He whipped his head around, looking in all directions, "Prin!" he yelled as loud as he dared.

I stifled a laugh at his reaction. As if on cue he finally noticed his wand on the floor, he shook his head and with a laugh he called out, "Is this really the best you can do Prin?"

He bent down confidently to pick up the wand, but once his fingers were about to connect with the wood I flicked my wrist. At the motion, the wand quickly rolled across the floor. "What the?" Draco grumbled, heading to retrieve his wand.

Once again, I flicked my wrist when he was close to getting it, sending the wand about three feet away from him. He shook his head before slowly tip toeing over to it. He bent down slowly, his fingers brushed against the wood. I let him have a short victory before telekinetically ripping it from his hand. He let out a groan of frustration, pouncing on the wand. Time after time I continued to throw it about the room. He stopped struggling, crossing his arms. Slowly, I rolled the wand back towards him. He ignored it even as it lay practically right at his feet. I made it hover slightly in the air so it was right side up, making it do a sort of dance an inch off the ground. I cautiously levitated it up to Draco's face. The poor boy didn't flinch as it danced around his head, taunting him. He stayed as still as a statue until suddenly shooting his hand out. He let out another loud groan of frustration and annoyance as I made the wand bolt away from him.

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