Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I'm going to kill him, I swear. I've been sitting in the library for over an hour waiting for the ferret so we can work on that stupid potions project. But does he show up? No! Does he expect me to do this entire thing by myself? By this time, I was pacing back and forth trying to calm myself down, though, it wasn't doing much good. With a grunt I threw my hand up in the air and began stomping towards the exit.

Weaving in and out of the bookshelves, my only thoughts were "What a jerk!" and "The nerve!" so, naturally, I wasn't too surprised when I walked face first into a shelf.

I slammed into it so hard that it knocked me over on impact, I heard books clatter to the floor. "Watch were your going!" the shelf yelled.

Wait...shelves don't talk...

I looked up from the floor to see non other than the ferret himself sprawled on the floor with books scattered around him. "Well look who actually showed up!" I exclaimed.

"A simple 'I'm sorry Draco' would suffice." he retorted.

I glared and stood up, "You're an hour late." I stated.

He began picking up the books, "No, actually I've been here longer than that."

I rolled my eyes, "Really? Because I think I would have remembered you showing up!"

I crossed my arms across my chest, "Well did you look around the library at all?" he asked.

I paused, the truth was I actually hadn't even thought about looking around for him. "See? Now as I said before, feel free to apologize to me." he said in a taunting voice.

He was standing by now, and staring at me expectantly. After a minute of just standing there I made a move to shove past him. "I don't think so, Warren!" he said.

I stopped in my tracks, my blood turning to ice, I turned slowly to face him. "What did you just call me?"

He looked at me like I'd just gone mental, "Warren."

"I believe it's Warrenam?" I suggested, he rolled his eyes.

"Don't play stupid, Warren, I know Latin." he said, smirking, "The daughter of a Warren, huh?" he stated, translating the meaning of my name perfectly into English.

"You speak Latin?" I asked, very shocked.

"Satis copiose." he answered, smirking.

"Quite fluently, huh?" I asked, he chuckled.

"What, didn't think the ferret was articulate?" he asked, feigning shock.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, we've got work to do Malfoy."

It turns out that Draco really was good in potions, and he barely had to look in his text book to see what ingredients to put in what. I'll admit, I was a little impressed. It takes years to learn that much about potions, especially with the books they had here. I at least have the Book of Shadows, which is much more useful, and yet it still takes a while.

"So I think we should base the project on potions to defend against dark creatures." he said, I nodded.

"My specialty." I smirked.

Draco looked at me questionably, "I wouldn't expect you to be an expert in ways to kill things." he remarked.

I shrugged, "You'd be surprised the kinds of potions I've had to make in the past."

"Like?" he questioned.

I shrugged again, "Vanquishing potions, for demons." I said casually, as if it was an everyday thing. Then again, for me it is.

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