Chapter One | And Summer Begins

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                         -Part 1-

Chapter One | And Summer Begins

      Summers in Winchester are especially hot. The sun shines bright as I walk down the lake. I take in the smell of the water and the plants surrounding me. This is a perfect summer morning for a trip to the lake. I sit on the dock and let my legs dangle over the edge. The water feels cool on my skin as I remember what I have to do today. I think about a number of things like how I just graduated and my summer job as working in our boutique. Even if summer just started, my mom convinced me to work in our boutique because she needs all the help she could get. An employee recently left and I'm the only person she could find who knows anything about clothing and what looks good with what. Well, at least I can keep myself occupied before I head to college.

      An image of John comes to my mind and a smile starts to form on my face. The graduation party last night was so much fun because John stayed with me. He led me outside to take a walk and we ended up talking a lot. We walked to the lake and out on the dock then just sat down. I remember when he held my hand and how soft it was. I remember our kiss and how good it felt. I just want to jump up and down from remembering what happened. I sigh and watch the water move below my toes.

      I check my watch for the time and jump up as soon as I see it. It's nine o'clock and work starts at ten. I quickly walk back to my house and take a cold shower. I place on my work outfit, light blue shorts and white tee shirt, and head downstairs. My mom's already dressed for work as I head over to take a seat in our dining table beside her. I pour in some cereal in my bowl and add milk. "Ready for your first day of work?" My mom asks me.

      "Yep, looking forward to it," I say while chewing on some cereal. I'm actually excited to work for my mom. I love browsing the clothes and thinking about what outfits would look good together. I just hope the customers won't be too harsh on me. I remember my brother; his job starts today, too. "Where's Joe?" I ask.

      "Oh, as usual, he overslept today and now he's rushing to get ready. He'll be down here any minute," my mom says with a laugh and I laugh along with her. 

      As I continue to finish my cereal, I see Joe take seat in front of me. His dark brown hair is still wet from his shower and his clothes need some fixing. "What's up, Claire?" he asks me while he munches on his cereal.

      "What does it look like?" I reply as I take another bite of my food. What I'm doing is so obvious and I start to laugh. 

      "What's so funny?"

      "Oh, nothing. It's just how mundane your question was."

      "Whatever, at least I asked something," he says, rolling his eyes at me. 

      "Good morning, Joe," my mom says to him with a smile. They kind of look alike with the hair color and the tanned skin. I have light hair and my skin is close to pale. I don't understand how I have pale skin even if I jog a lot. Doesn't the sun make me darker?

      "Morning, mom," he replies. "Can you drive me to work?"

      "Why won't you just walk there? It's a walking distance."

      "The sun is so hot! I don't want to be all sweaty on my first day of work in the hardware store. It's not a good first impression." 

      I sigh. "Why won't you just drive there yourself? You can drive after all."

      "But then I'll have to look for a parking space. Please, mom?" Joe asks. He could be so lazy at times but I don't blame him. It's pretty hot today but then again, its summer. 

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