Chapter Seven | A Goodnight's Sleep

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Chapter Seven | A Goodnight's Sleep

       And the tears come streaming down your face

       When you lose something you can't replace

       When you love someone, but it goes to waste

       Could it be worse?

       The song Fix You by Coldplay plays on my stereo. I turn up the volume and drown myself in the song. I love this song. It's my sad song, but it suits the moment. The moment in where I should just fix myself now.

       Two weeks passed since my fight with Dean and I should just move on. I doubt he's gonna talk to me, he seriously believes that I slept with John until now. I can't believe he doesn't trust me. 

       I flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Work was exhausting today and it was absolutely boring. Not much people visited which makes it an exhausting day. 

       Closing my eyes, I listen to the song until I drift off to sleep. 

                                                      * * *

       I wake up sometime in the night and I sit up. "What time is it?" I mutter as I glance at the clock, 1:14 am. I groan and lie back down.

       Something hits the floor and I jump up. It's still too dark to make out whatever is on the floor. Another thing hits the floor and bounces for a while before becoming silent. The sound of something breaking makes me shriek. 

       "Oh, shit," I hear someone say from outside. 

       Taking a deep breath, I slowly approach my window. It might be an idiotic thing to do, but curiosity is getting the best of me. I take a peek out of my window and I find Dean holding a bouquet of wildflowers in one hand and a stone in the other. 

       "Dean! What on earth are you doing?" I ask. 

       He smiles weakly and answers, "I'm really sorry for what I did. I'm such an idiot for not listening to you in the first place and now I ruined our friendship. I'm so, so sorry, Claire."

       Dean looks so sad and it just breaks my heart all over again. He almost looks as bad as me. His hair is a mess and his face looks like he didn't get any sleep for a while. Honestly, I couldn't talk. I'm like a statue and I continue to stare at him, my mouth open.

       He looks down and says, "I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

       Regaining all my courage, I answer, "I forgive you." How could I not forgive him? Seeing him as such mess because of me is touching and yet heartbreaking. Then again, I'm like this because of him. 

       His face brightens as he looks up. "Really?"

       I nod and a small smile forms on my lips as I say, "Really."

       He smiles widely and tucks the bouquet of flowers in the side of his shorts. He starts to climb up to my window. He's climbing a wall! 

       Watching him, I start to panic. What if he falls? What if something bad happens? "What are you doing! You might fall or get hurt or. . ."

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